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Early morning starts sucked. And they were extra worse when its a mid week Wednesday. The sun had risen and was bright against the cool crisp morning which wouldnt last long. By eight am i'll be wishing for a bucket of ice. Before school practice sucked even more, it just meant you had more time spent there and more people shouting at you. The more games we won the more early starts we had. But todays the day we find out who the new captain is and thats one thing to look forward to.

Being the captain almost guarantees a scholarship to the best college and 1 in 5 chance of becoming a professional earning millions on year. Checking I had everything for a shower and my uniform I headed out as quietly as I could sending a text to Luke to remind him to bring me breakfast when he got to school. No one wants a stitch during practice therefore no eats anything other than a small piece of fruit and we in take about four bottles of water.

Fifteen minutes later, I had arrived and I dumped my bag down and picked up my water bottle before heading out to pitch to warm up. Walking had warmed my muscles but I need to stretch before the fitness work began. Coach likes to make us do fitness work as well as run around chasing after the ball. If someone told you football in school was easy they lied.

"Hey dude, you ready for the first training of this term" One of my team mates went greeting me. "Of course, you reckon coach's ready for all this" I replied back. "Pretty sure hes had a heart around the date for the past term" Michael voice went join the rest of stretching. "A heart around what Mr Clifford". Ops. What is it with teachers and them sneaking up on you. Its like its one big game. In fact I could have sworn he said that if he was five years younger he'd be able to punch us in the face, so it's uncertain if he realised that the world has moved on from the nineteen fifty's.

"A heart around my love for today. The first day of training is one I live for" Michael went wincing. The coach just raised his eyebrow before speaking. "As you all know, last years captain was selected in to one of the worlds best college and is now experiencing success like those before him. This years captain was a tough decision. There is so many wonderful team members that are eligible and I know that whoever I choose, would fulfill the role well along with the rest of the team members looking up to them, including those of you who are new and have made the selection. This years captain, I believe has the best connections to everyone and I feel that this opportunity will give him future success and I hope that by doing this I do not make a mistake in doing so. So without further ado, this year captain will be Michael Clifford".

There were claps all around and people holla-ing. Everyone liked Mikey so it was a good choice, plus he was working hard on upping is grades so he truly did deserve it. He had a slight blush on his cheeks as he accepted the captains badge. An unusual sight. "Right then time to train.  Calum you take defence Michael as team captain split them on to yours and Calum's side" Coach went.

After sprinting up and down the pitch, I took a quick shower and hurried off to meet Lukey. Who hopefully had my breakfast. Thats I cared about right now was food. Exercising had worked me up a big appetite and the banana I had left was never going to satisfy me. "Here a bacon sandwich. I have to go somewhere so I thought I'd deliver it" Luke voice went stopping me before I got to the end of the hall and changing rooms. "Thank you I love you so much" I went hurriedly, not taking in any of his words. The smell of bacon was just great.

"So I'll see you later at lunch then" Luke acknowledged. "Sure of course" I retorted still not playing attention. The smell had me completely in its grasp as the warmth hit my hands. It wasnt until two minutes later that he had hurried off did I start to question. Entering into the changing room. Sandwich protected. Normally he just hangs with me now. Likely we're best friends and friend like that chill together. So who would he be meeting. Theres not that many people he hangs out with that I don't know and half the time he spend it with me.

Luke never secretive with me. He tells me most things and he was so on edge. Normally people don't stare at the clock and hand things over in such a rush before school. People take time, plus Lukes hand was sweaty and I know the bacon sandwich wouldnt have caused that since it was in a bag with a tinfoil lining. No heat was escaping through there.

"Why are you sitting here on the floor, dont you have to meet Luke" Michael queried over my head. The bacon sandwich didnt seem so nice now. "He came and he left" I mumbled. "Oh. I'm sorry". "You have nothing to be sorry for, I guess hes just something he has to do". "Well it seems pretty un-Luke like" he examined. Too right Michael, to right.

A/n update time. Sorry for mistake im watching PLL so double checking has gone out the window... Also big thanks from moi for the votes and the reads. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this. I also have a new idea coming soon which I think is cool and no one has done so yet or at least I havent read my idea yet ! x

Edited 12.04.20

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