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I awoke to blinding light coming through the frosted glass of the window. At that point I didn't know what was worst, the blinding pain of a headache or the crick that had formed in my neck, deserved for falling asleep on the bathroom floor. I should thank drunk me for at least getting me to somewhere that was appropriate to throw up. Still I could have chosen the family bath room were the good painkillers are. Slowly rising to my feet, one hand covering the worst of the light, I stumbled towards the darkness of my room where I plan to sleep the worse of this off.

Once in I could blink with a little less pain, I headed towards my bed. The closer I got the more I began to hear a suspicious noise. Snoring. Even in my drunk state it was unusual for me to leave someone alone in my bed to sleep on a bathroom floor. I had done a lot of things. This was a first. Refraining from groaning, I wondered if there was a way I could kick whomever out without causing offence or waking up the rest of my sleeping family. Payback would happen the minute they actually had to get up.

Patting my pockets to see if I had my phone, I planned on using it to see who was in my bed. No such luck. I reached for the stand which is the only other place I had a tendency to leave it. It wasn't my phone in the stand but I hoped it would do the trick.

Wait Luke. What was he doing here. Oh frock where was my phone, that may hold actual answers. Damn. The room was spinning as I fumbled about searching for the stupid possession that had my entire life on it. I couldn't even remember if I had left it on silent to call it for location. In fact I couldn't even remember making my way home so there's a fat chance I had lost it and having only received the new version two days ago, my parents would freak.

As luck would have it, I stubbed my toe on the thing. Holding back a swear, I sat down on the bed to rub my foot,  forgetting about the human boy in my bed. "Five more minutes" he slurred. "Fuck" I chorus, jumping back up with a start. When had he stopped snoring? Gripping my head I sat back down, "sorry I forgot you where in their". "No it's okay, you fell asleep by the toilet and no amount of pulling could get you in here, so I left you" Luke informed me. I narrowed my eyes as if he could see them in the dark. "What. I'm not putting my back out just got your sake". 

"Thanks" I said dryly. Silence fell over the both of us and I couldn't help but wonder what went wrong. Where we went wrong.

"I think we need a full break. Learn who we are without being CalumandLuke. We're codependent and it's finally come to head. I don't want to spend half our time angry at each other and the other half acting as if we are no longer acknowledging each other's faults. You probably don't recall what you ever said to me last night but you were right. I'm selfish and your always the first to cave yet at the same time your making decisions and I'm blindly following them" Luke spoke breaking the silence between us.

"So you're breaking up are friendship" I asked confused and far too hung over for this conversation. "At this point it's an entangled mess of a Rocky relationship within a friendship" Luke paused, "I'll never stop being your friend but currently that's all we need to be. Just friends. You confessed a lot to me in your drunken state yesterday and you, your always going to be my guy, Calum. Just not right now. We need to lead separate lives, figure out who we are and who we are going to be without getting each other tangled".

"So this is it" I motioned to the space between us. Barely processing everything he was saying. I wonder how long he had thought about it. "This is it" Luke moved off the comforter, standing up with a stretch. I couldn't help but slump a little lower. He bent down a little, his hand slipping under my chin. "One day" he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, "I promise".

A/n - annual gay code update. My aim is to finish this by the end of the year and then factor the time to re write

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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