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Luke pov

'This number is no longer in service' the phone went for the fifty billionth time this week. I pulled back on the string of my hoody, the other side rapidly coming smaller, hood ruching. I would have thought after a week he might have finally replied. Even a leave me alone would have been at least enough to satisfy my internal angst.  Sighing I flopped back against the roof. Sun fiery blaze now nothing more than a orange line in the distances, the phone vibrated next to me. Unknown number.

"Hello" I answered eagerly. "Luke why are you on the roof" Calum's slur came through the speaker. "Because" I paused, "wait Calum where are you". "On Michaels lawn". I peered around eyes scanning to Michaels house that was three doors down to the left. A smaller looking Calum sized figure was on the floor. "Do I want to know" I asked tentatively. The fear of him hanging up, stopping talking had me shuffling towards the attic window.

"We had a party" he hiccuped, "and I told him I'll be fine to make my way home but the things, the thing is that I-I- don't remember" manic laughter followed. "Just stay there and I'll come and get you, okay?"

"M'kay". I hurried down the stairs past the my parents who barely got to hear what I had to say before I was out the door. It didn't take long to reach Calum who was facedown on the floor. Tequila and garlic stench radiating from somewhere. Gulping I gave him a little poke with my foot, in case he was lie in his own puke, something I really didn't wish to deal and I'd rather leave it to Michael who made him this way. "Puke" he greeted me rolling over on to his back. Smile falling from his face. "Wait what are you doing here?"

"You called me" I protested. "I did" he questioned a little look of confusing crossing his features. "Yes you did. You're very drunk and I need to somehow get you home" I began, "now come on you going to have to help get yourself up". Perching down I pulled him up so he was sitting. "Wow you have such nice eyes" he mumbled, his hand moving toward my face. "Calum,up" I commanded, retracting my neck to avoid getting poked in the eye. "Okay Mom" he snorted, clambering up using me as some sort of support stick. Wrapping an arm around him, I scoured the floor to ensure he hadn't left his keys or anything important on the floor.

As I half walked, half dragged Calum, I wondered if our friendship was toxic. Everything that happened the past year had come ahead, all because one of us was impulsive. "Was the party good" I asked, doing my best to keep him awake. He could sleep it off the moment he was in his bed, I was not about to carry him up the stairs in dead weight form. "Humm party. Party was a party. Good alcohol, bad decisions. Nothing new, eh" Calum mumbled. An undeniable ice tone was evident.

"I can see" I moved my hand slightly in an attempt to unsquash my pinky, "you know those bad decisions are ones you make on an impulse". I didn't know where it was coming from. The annoyance. That fact that even with a phone change, he still had my number saved, or that I was helping him like I had done the past summer. "So be it, at least I admit my faults so I can work on them" Calum replied sounding more coherent than previously. "I have a talent for bottling things up that bother me but I thought you said that you were about to go down this path" I explain, taking a calming breathe. It wasn't like he would remember this in the morning.

"What path? You know I was almost on the verge of giving in. Making apologies and letting it slid again, like I always do. But ya know the more I drunk, the more I thought, hey Luke has his own brain I don't force him into it. If he follows and hates the decisions he can pull out any time. In fact he basically did during the bet" Calum stumbled away, narrowly avoiding a bush before tripping over nothing.

I had to admit that hurt. He got offered the dare, not me and yet it stung because he was right. I didn't have to agree yet I still did.

"Have you ever thought that maybe Luke follows you is all because you are all he has" Luke didn't even know why he had started referring to himself in third person. He managed to grab Calum back to keep him on the path.

"I thought about that. Doesn't discredit what I said. You know I agreed to that bet because even after everything that happened, he was still there and I thought. I stupidly thought that he loved me".

A/n _ annual gay code up date xoxo
I may finish it

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