Chapter4: She is her twin?

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M(looking attentively at each image): The file shows that there are no substantial proofs against him, And this man is not Rihaan Arora, It's fake information about him.

Just when Vansh entered the police station, All of them know him very well and dare not to play with him.

M: This man is Vansh Raisinghania, How dare you show me fake reports? You'll be charged for forgery crime.

R: what???? But sir, My husband is

M: Take her to the cell !! You are under arrest.

V: You better not! Don't lay your finger on her. She is my fiancee! Vansh Raisinghania's fiancee !

R: What is this nonsense?

V(wrapping his arms around her shoulders): Don't mind my fiancee, she is angry with me, that's why she is just playing around. Woman's revenge is the worse! and of course, No one can arrest her for that, You know what is the price of it, right??

The police officer was scared and said fast: She can go with you!

V: her phone?

He gave it to him.

V(smiled widely): Let's go sweetheart.

R: But

V(whispered): Shhh Or else they will arrest you, Do you want to sleep today in the cell?

She shut her mouth as she couldn't take the risk, He pulled her with him till they were out.

R(pushed his hands): Stay away from me, You're a killer!

V: killer? Me? What made you say that?

He started checking the phone only to look at it in disbelief: Rihaan Arora? You got be kidding me! who made this fake file?

R: Fake file? It's not fake !! You all are playing a game with me !!

V: Game? So you came here to file a case against me as you think I am rihaan?

R: You are !! My husband told me about you, You committed all that murders!

V: Ok let's suppose that my name is really Rihaan, and I am a serial killer as you think, Why didn't I kill you? and Why did I save you from jail? Moreover than that Why people here are not calling me by that name? I will admit that I am Rihaan if you answer these questions.

R: I (she paused) I don't know!

V: You mean you don't have an answer, I am Vansh Raisinghania, The whole world knows me. and I don't know what is that file about, But I am going to figure it out. Riddhima, I am here to support you, So you better keep some trust in me, You have no family, No way to reach your husband therefore I am being helpful but if you're going to keep accusing me, Then to prove you're wrong, I give you the freedom to go. Now decide whether you want my help or not.

She eyed his serious expressions especially his eyes that was exclaiming his honesty silently.

V(to himself): Please, Don't say no, Please say yes.

R: You are really not him?

V: I can prove it.

R: In That case, I will trust you.

V(smiled): You chose the right decision, and I am not going to let you down.

He extended his hand to shake hands with her but she refused: We'll do it when you prove it to me that you're right.

V(sitting in the driver seat with a side smirk): Vaise, You didn't count the possibility that If I am a killer then I am going to kill you and you won't even have the opportunity to regret trusting me?

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