Chapter 5: Truth Unfolded 1

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Author's pov

Kabir walked on the roads so lost while remembering his childhood. 


He belongs to a rich family and was so young, 7 years old Boy, Who was raised up by servants and never get mother's tenderness or father's support. And things became worse after their parent's argument, Their life became hell, His dad was always drunk !! Not that the mother has an issue about it !!! Partying! leaving him bearing his dad's cruelty! Till One day, Their voices were louder during their argument. 

Kabir was closing his ears trying not to hear them but he could still hear clearly their words. 

His dad: How dare you do that behind my back? with my F*** friend? 

His mom: Because I am fed up with you, I hate you and them !! You were just a forced decision on me by my parents, But Now I am going to leave you along with your piece of shit and go away! 

His dad: You don't know what is the price of betraying me? 

His mom: As If you were loyal !! You fu** every woman you saw even by coincidence, How dare you to accuse me? You're not even a man !! 

He slapped her and she shouted: You bloody womanizer! I will not stay with you even for a second !! 

His dad: You're right! You're leaving and forever! (young Kabir widened his eyes seeing his dad shoot his mom, The moment the bullet was shot he ran to his room, and Apparently, his dad wasn't in his mind, and he followed him fast while he closed the room and backed off seeing the door is moving with the force that he used to break it) 

K: No !! I have to do something !! I have to think!! 


Tears fell on his cheek remembering the bitter memories and he fell on his knees: No !!(shouted): NOOOOOOOOOOOO !! 

VR Mansion

Riddhima didn't stop tearing up: I regret trusting you and coming with you here. 

V(punched the wall): Damn it !! 

S(entering the room): Bhai! Calm down, What are you doing? 

V: I have to do something now! 

Angrey arrived and exclaimed: She doesn't have a twin, No way that she is her twin !! (pointing toward Riddhima) 

V: Great! Another confusion !! (to Riddhima) Come with me 

R: No 

V: don't make me pick you up and take you forcefully !! Silently follow me to the car !! This bloody night won't end soon I guess! 

V's pov

I know that I am behaving so harshly but I will lose my mind soon thinking of what is happening? Riddhima or whoever she is, came in the middle, And I am taking out my frustration on her! 

God! Her tears! I can't bear them !! 

V: stop crying! 

She ignored him and continued crying silently till he couldn't take it anymore. 

V: You heard me talking about the girl right? Raima! My love! (taking out her pic) See her!! 

R: Carbon copy! 

V: yes, Just imagine how will I feel when I find a carbon copy of my dead love is standing in front of me !! There are no records of your identity! All that you narrated doesn't exist too!! How you want me to behave? And what to think? 

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