Chapter 3: Riddhima & Vansh's meeting

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S: ARe you sure you're fine?

R: First answer me, when they built it?

S: Miss, Did you hit your head somewhere? It has always been here, I grow up in this mansion.

R: Oh no, You're confused and trying to confuse me too. Global Health Hospital was here, And I am sure !! Hell, I have visited it two days back!

S: Come with me, I will erase your misunderstanding.

Riddhima followed her doubtfully and Sia disappeared for few minutes. Then she came back again with Album in her hands.

S: Look at those photos, They were captured more than twenty years back. see the date.

Riddhima eyed the photos in disbelief: How can this possible? I can't get anything! And the important question is how did I reach here? I was at my house with my husband and daughter.

S: Riddhima, I am seriously thinking that you're not fine! I think I should take you to the doctor, Your memory is blurry. I found you near our mansion, Exactly in the backyard.

R( MAssaging her face): No no nooo !! Something is off here ! not only off but also odd. (she thinks for few seconds) My PHone !! Yes!I will call my husband on the phone.

S: But

Riddhima didn't listen to what Sia was saying and ran to the place where she was unconscious.

R: It has to be here !! where is it?

She sat on her knees and started looking for it crazily because of fear & confusion only to find her mouth cupped from behind the very next moment with a strong voice: Who're you? and what are you doing in my backyard? Did you come here to steal?

R: mmmmmmmm

Voi: Trying to shout? If you dare to shout, I will cut your tongue and throw it to the animals. I will remove my hand now, Remember VAnsh Raisinghania doesn't back off his rules, Got it?

R: mmmmmmm

V: great.

He removed his hand and slowly pushed her shoulder so that she turned only to come face to face with him and His eyes popped out of sockets.

V: youuuu???

R(shouted): How dare you misbehave with me and threaten me? I will file a case against you !! And who said I am here to steal? I don't care about your identity Mr.wHoever you are, Stay within your limits !I dropped my phone h(She was taken by surprise as he hugged her )

V: Sweetheart, You're really here? You came for me !! I knew that you can't leave me !! I was sure .

R(gathering all the power she has, She pushed him and looked at him with a disgusted look): I am a married woman but you dared to lay your hand on me! You're so cheap !! and you know what? let me find my phone, Then I will let my husband himself teach you a lesson!

S: Bhai, What did you do? Riddhima why are you angry?

R: Bhai?

V: Riddhima?

Anupriya heard the loud voices and came out too: Vansh! Sia !! What is happening here? ANd who is shouting? She said looking curiously at Riddhima's back who turned to her angrily.

R: Aunt, Instead of asking who is shouting? I think you should ask this man whatever was his relation with you, What did he do to make me shout?

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