O3. Friendshit Fuckery

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I FURIOUSLY stuck my phone on my ear to hear the call ringing. I retrieved it immediately after dismissal after a very long conversation with Mrs. Cruz and an additional bonus of a long promissory note as well. And it was all thanks to this stupid boy. He picked up and I could hear a tired groan from the other line.

"I'm so done with you! Do you even realise what you did? What was that?!" I yelled through the phone.

"What? I'm sorry. It's 8 AM here and I've been up since 5 trying to figure out how to cook the chicken."

"Have you heard of something called Google?" I asked.

"Well, I also kinda did want to talk to you."

I had the urge to smile, but I couldn't. I didn't want to. The anger I planted on him only grew higher. If he thought flattering me would get him out of this situation, he couldn't have been more incorrect in his life.

"I was caught and you could've just ended the call. It was obvious and usual for one to do that. Why didn't you?"

"I thought you were in a private class considering you're pretty famous."

"Can you not use the word famous? I can't even go to Instagram anymore. Even with my account set on private, your fans that followed me before I changed the privacy keep on bothering me. They may not hate my guts, but I don't like the attention or tiny little interaction from anyone. Plus, I'm in the Philippines, Louis. Private classes with only three to five pupils are rare. That was an exam! I didn't get to take it well, and had to negotiate — you're lucky I got to negotiate with my teacher or I swear to God, you're already dead!"

"Well, I'm sorry. I really-"

"Keep your apology to yourself. Do you realise how much damage you could've caused my goal to win the scholarship deal offered in our school?"



"I didn't know."

"And that is why you should've kept your mouth shut and ended the call immediately in the first place!" I was fuming and pretty sure that smoke would start to come out of my nose.

"You know what, Cabrera? This is why I can barely tolerate you! I was trying to be better for you, to start a friendship that I thought might work and here you are wasting my efforts!" Louis yelled in the other line.

Even through the call, the anger he had built up in his chest made me shiver. His voice and tone said it all like breaking plates. Of course, I'm not one to give up an argument. I want to have the last word, the last breath and the last laugh.

"Start a friendship? Listen closely, I am not the one wasting effort, you are. What makes you think I want a friend? This was all just a set-up, or a ruse, or whatever you want to call it. We only did this so we could get out of the situation we got ourselves in." I asked in almost a whisper.

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