17. Ataraxian Ties

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Continuation | Cabrera, Your Name

Partridge's hair was a perfect mop. It could clean the floor in no time. His nose was cute. It makes me want to press it like a little console all day and smash it on the ground. Don't even get me started with his lips—they look musty. He slept peacefully, unaware of the world and everything that's occurring. It was a little refreshing to see a glimpse of how humans could be at nigh—isn't this weird? I'm staring at him while he's sleeping. How creepy.


The alarm clock began to make noises, pulling Cabrera out of her vexatious thoughts. She swiftly rose to her feet in a panic, urging Louis to get up. He appeared alarmed as he cautiously surveyed his surroundings. "What the bloody hell are you doing, Y/N?!" he exclaimed.

She wasted no time and ushered him towards the bathroom. "Shower quickly and change! We're running late, and this is all your fault!" She went to the kitchen sink and started washing her face to wake herself up further.

'Where's the toothbrush?!' She pounded on the bathroom door and yelled, "Can you give me my toothbrush?! And the toothpaste!"

"Go away, I'm trying to shower!"

"Well, hurry the fuck up!"


Once they were both refreshed and dressed, she swiftly grabbed her bag and pulled Louis by his wrist to get him out of the apartment, unaware that he was still trying to fix his tie. She rolled her eyes and guided him to a corner.

His uniform remained unchanged as he was wearing the same attire as the day before, despite having sweated in it, yet his cologne lingered fresh and strong.

"What's the problem? Why did you push me?" he asked, clearly puzzled.

"You guys really don't know how to fix your tie in just a minute. What a disappointment," she mumbled, placing her hands on his chest and adjusting the tie he had been working on. She untied it and fixed it once again, her fingers brushing against the fabric of his blazer.

It seemed as though time was moving at a sluggish pace, making every action feel leisurely. Her focus began to waver, and the sound of her own heartbeat echoed in her chest, unsettling and difficult to shake off no matter how hard she tried.

When she finished, she glanced up at Louis, who was already gazing down at her. The way he looked at her made her feel like she was the only girl in the world, and it admittingly felt so right.

However, it was also wrong.

She could have sworn she saw him lean closer to her face, but she simply patted his chest and turned her head away. "We're late. We need to hurry," she muttered, locking the door and placing the keys in her bag as they both started running towards the campus.

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