O7. No Shit, Sherlock

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THE MATTRESS didn't give Cabrera the comfort she needed after a long day of trying to swallow the life she'd started despite the feathery materials stuffed in. No matter how the nocturnal animals sang to her, she still couldn't get herself to sleep. Even though she had all the space in the flat, as British people would call it, she felt unable to breathe. She didn't purchase a dorm. It was too expensive. At least a small flat like this could help her. She needed privacy. Not other people to socialise with.

'Besides, it's a five minute walk away from the University or College - Seriously, why does everything have to be different between English and American?' She thought as she tossed and turned, still remembering how a certain face ruined her day. A slap wasn't enough. He deserved a punch. Hundreds of them. 'How dare he confidently tell me he did nothing wrong?'

"First of all, he took every bit of privacy from me. Sure, it was fixed in the Philippines, but in this borough, it is not. College is already social suicide itself, meaning it still existed judging by how everyone stared at the both of us before," she mumbled to herself and continued.

"Second, he just told me I'm an unlikeable person which may be true, but there was a difference between myself telling that to myself and him telling me. Third, I still can't forget the embarrassment he has put me through. It did not happen only once, but more than twice. Fourth, it's his fault for causing me anxiety and stress a few months ago about not having this scholarship. Fifth and most especially this, he made me fail two to three tests. One being an important exam for the College admissions in Brixley. It's entirely his fault for making me remember all the shit he's done to bring tremendous stigma to my name. Sixth, he could have murdered me in the library earlier!"

'There are more than six reasons as to why I hate the boy, and as much as I would like to go around and circle back, I still need to sleep for tomorrow! It's 2 AM for God's sake. I need to entertain myself at least. Wait no, it's too cold for me to possibly get out of bed. It's September 1 tomorrow and I surely can't just stay up all night knowing I'll bore myself to death or possibly wake up late.'

Nervousness and excitement filled her chest as they wallowed with her midnight brain cells even she, herself, couldn't believe she had.

Nevertheless, there was no choice. She pulled the thick blanket and put it away, revealing herself in her silk nightdress Dior had bought her online before she had left for London. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she wanted to go back up. The cold woke her up eventually.

Having an idea as to what to do, she grabbed the schedule, uniform and the house crest's brooch pin, then turned the beige lamp on and sat on her bed, reading the schedule.

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