2O. September Lights

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Two words that Cabrera kept repeating in her mind over and over again as she laid her head on her resting arm set on the table.

The café only had two customers and they were Partridge and Cabrera. They had to take the table placed outside since the girl wanted to see the stars and Louis wanted the wind to help her sober up.

"Why did you do that, Cabrera?" He asked in a whisper.

"Do what? I did nothing." She grumbled.

"Drink? How are you supposed to keep your plan and development going now?"

"You're not my dad."

Louis shook his head, shrugging the topic off his shoulders. He looked down at the girl who lifted her head up as she frowned at the glass of water next to her that she couldn't even bother to drink.

"Drink the water." He ordered.

"No. It's disgusting."

"What's disgusting about it?"

Cabrera sat upright and leaned towards him across the table, whispering to his ear, "I heard they get water from toilets."

"What? That's ridiculous."

"When I was in High School, my friends told me they saw the cafeteria woman get our water from the toilet and it's disgusting!" She laughed.

'Right,' Louis thought. 'She's drunk.'

"Let's go somewhere." He suggested. The girl's eyes lit up as she stood, slightly wobbling to the side.

The boy quickly took a hold of her, "Are you okay?"

Y/N nodded confidently as she fixed her posture and flashed a smile. She then continued to walk, only to be stopped by the boy as he held her arm for support once he noticed how she still walked without balance.

She turned to him, processing why he was touching her, but then she felt the tug from his hand. Louis was basically dragging her on their way back to her flat so he could leave her there to contemplate about the failed objectives they mapped out before.

"Where are we going?" she asked.




"Is it a surprise?"

Before he could even answer her question, she squealed and clapped, pulling him to an alley with a perfect view of the river and the landscape it offered on the other side. There were fairy lights adorned in the place, making an impression that someone or some people must be visiting it from time to time as an open spot. Although, as if whatever existed was pulling some strings, there was no one there except for them.

"Best birthday ever!" She whisper-yelled.

"Why are there Christmas lights? It's only September." He remarked.

The girl ignored this comment and continued to look around in awe. Ivy winds its way up the bricks, creating a lush curtain of leaves. Sprigs of wildflowers poke through the cracks, adding pops of colour to the scene. The air is filled with the earthy scent of nature, and the alleyway becomes a refreshing oasis amid the city's hustle and bustle.

"I don't think we're allowed to be here," Louis mumbled as he grabbed Cabrera by the arm.

Suddenly, a creak from the timeworn hinges of a metal door reached their ears, compelling Louis to quickly push Cabrera to the side behind a pillar-like structure made of concrete. He then gently placed his hand on her mouth and watched the person as they passed by.

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