23. Darling

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[ Not fully proofread. ]

LOUIS PARTRIDGE is a hateful boy.

At least, to me he is. He would act like a jerk and ruin my day, but also act like he genuinely cares.

The moment I saw him walk out that door, I felt something I shouldn't have. It was heavy.

He really is strange.

I fell back on my bed, letting myself hit the soft mattress. I breathed out.

He drives me mad.

What is Louis Partridge? He couldn't possibly be human. Who is Louis Partridge? Why is Louis Partridge?

Something that I hate about me is that I let my thoughts get a hold of my body. Grabbing the laptop on my desk, I started typing his name.

Not long after, every corner of the room screamed Louis Partridge. Even the dust whispered his name in my ear. The wind hummed once again, but this time, it told me about him.

I don't want to be surrounded, but here I am.

"Louis Partridge is an English actor, best known for his role as Tewkesbury in the Netflix original film Enola Holmes, alongside Millie Bobby Brown."

I rolled my eyes. Everyone knows him. Everyone's crazy for him, but little do they know, he's was a good pretender.

Probably why he's an actor.

I scrolled further and spent my time skimming through the screen with his name creating eye contact. As I researched, I found a site. A site full of books about him.

Why would anyone want to write a whole novel for Louis?



'Worlds Away?'


'What are these? Why?'

I pursed my lips and clicked on the first book I was invested to read. Why are people so obsessed with him?

With every word of the description, I coveted to learn the whole events the book has yet to offer. My finger touched the arrow down as I read through and through.

 My finger touched the arrow down as I read through and through

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