Act 6 - The Tainted God

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Venrich’s POV

I never thought the wind spirit would have flown me so far or maybe I've wandered far in the underground caves. It's almost dawn and I've been tracking down the scent of anything close to human. This would've been easier if this magical mist wouldn't have caused some interference. I got to find them before it's too late. Then as if my prayers have been answered, I heard faint footsteps and crowd noise a little bit close west from where I'm standing. Slowly approaching the area, I see tribesmen around. This must be the northuldran people… I need to warn them. I approached one that looked like the elder but before I could even set foot, someone of them were armed with sharp wooden spears and pointedly hostile towards me.

"Monster!" One of them said.

"Whoa! Wait! Calm down. I'm a friend not an enemy." I said but somethings off. Looking at their expression, they're still hostile, confused and not backing down. They can't understand me… Shit, Damn mist. Guess I'll have no choice but to do drastic measures since we're running out of time…

With a menacing growl, I unleashed some of my hellfire flames in front of them. To warn them and try leading them off to flee to safety. They moved back in fear of getting burned. Before I could drive them off, I heard a familiar call to me.

"Venrich! Stop! Calm down… What's going on? Kristoff said as he quickly dismounted from sven and came in between me and the armed northuldran people.

"Finally good to see a familiar face. Kristoff they can't understand me. The mist is interfering with my magic and I can't talk in my human voice. We have an emergency and we need to get to safety." I said Kristoff noticed the grunting sounds I'm making. Luckily this guy can understand animal talk.

"What? Ok,let me talk to them." Kristoff said as he talked to everyone that I'm not an enemy.

"If you're not an enemy, then why would you attack us?" Said the elderly. I gesture to Kristoff to translate for me.

He says that he is sorry for the rude way but we need to go to the exit of the forest. Because something bad is about to happen. My mistress told me to evacuate everyone in the forest for your safety. She said that the tainted god will be awakened and it's up to her to stop it. Wait, (Y/N)'s back?" Kristoff said surprised to know about (Y/N).

"Yep and ready to fight that god." I said then we noticed worried whispers amongst the northuldran people.

"The Hollow Walker? But how can this be?... If that happens, the forest will cease and it will spread destruction on its wake. You said that your mistress can stop it. How can you be so sure of that?" The elder said

"Because my mistress is the Legendary Mage Knight: Caerulus Inlustris. Wielder of the Sword of Azreal." Kristoff translated for me then everyone by the looks of it were astonished at what Kristoff told.

"The heroine from the Mage Knights stories? Lady Inlustris… Didn't she die while fighting the wanderer? How?" A northuldran girl said with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. She must have been one of (Y/N)'s fans of her stories.

"I would like to explain but we need to move. We are running out of time and any minute wasted we could be in more serious danger." I said to Kristoff as he told the others.

"Alright, we will leave to safety. Can some help in herding the other reindeer close by." The elder agreed to my reason and everyone prepared their Stuff for the walk ahead. Kristoff and a guy named Ryder will catch up because they have to herd some of the wandering reindeers. As our group walked towards the entrance of the forest, then we heard booming sounds. By the looks of it, the earth giants are on the move and heading towards the dam. 

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