Act 2 - The Other Voice

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AN: Prepare to read Shakespearean to this chapter but there's a translation by the end. Also I'll be uploading chapters every 2 or 3 weeks but to compensate, the chapters are longer. Anyway on with the story...


(Y/N)'s POV



And dark...

All I can see, hear and feel in this pitch black abyss. In the midst of the silence, I heard a ominous sound. I don't know where is it coming from. Out from nowhere, a dark shadowed hand grabbed me by the neck. Whispering voice resonates: Remember your sins for i will consume you until there's nothing left of your soul. It's grip is getting stronger and suffocating me.

I wanted to scream.

To get out of this place...



Waking up from my nightmare. Cold sweat running from my face and my heart rapidly pulsing. Sitting up and taking deep breaths to calm myself. Looking at my sealed bandage left arm and remembering what Queen Titania explained to me what happened.

(Flashback start)

"Sleeping for over 200 years, I've returned to my body... my real body." I said astound but what I'm concerned is my left arm. If I remember clearly, it was chopped off by cain. As I was about to tug its bandage but her majesty quickly stopped me by grabbing my right wrist.

"I wouldn't doth yond if 't be true i w're thee." (1) Queen Titania said looking at me sternly as she let go and sitted at the edge of my bed.

"What happened after finding me. The last time I remember, this arm isn't supposed to be here." I said

"Yond armeth cameth with thee. If 't be true i guesseth, t's from thy owneth shadow. Thy owneth darkness shroud'd thee at which hour thee w're hath found at the passage to tech duinn. At which hour mine own husband hath tried to carryeth thee to safety, t lash'd out to aught t sees. So we hadst to sealeth t right hence."(2) Queen Titania said

"My own shadow?..." I said

"Mind may f'rget, soul may beest reb'rn but the corse shall at each moment knoweth. I has't taketh m're of thy timeth. Anon rest so thee may returneth to thy full health. F'r thou art anon, mine own only dearest child." (3) Queen Titania said as she kiss my forehead. As she stand to leave but not before telling my elf nurse to take care of my needs.

(Flashback End)

Hmph, Dearest child my foot... A fae's white lies can ever be so persuasive but not even enough to make me give in. You just want me to stay here forever and be your perfect trophy. I need to recover soon as possible. How are the others doing... (Sigh)... Looking at the window, it's just early hours in the morning. I need my sleep...


Riannon's POV

Now that my notable patient is finally awake gave me quite a surprising scare. I was just got back from my two days of gathering some forest-grown medicinal herbs in the forest. When suddenly a familiar elf nurse Shanon arrived in my room.

"Dr. Riannon i has't some exciting news! the robin is finally awaketh."(4) Shanon said giving me quite a surprise.

"The sleigh beggie is awake! This is amazing news! I need to quickly examine her." I said quickly grab my coat and leave my room but she stopped me by grabbing my arm.

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