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Nobody's pov

The next day, Freddie was called by his mother again to head to the throne room, he went down. "Ah, there is the soon to be king. Son, greet your soon to be wife. Princess Carlotta Shay" Marissa gestured to Carly. Carly does a curtsy, "Hello Prince Freddie. Glad to see you again" she greets him, Freddie bows "Delightful to see you Princess Carly" he said.

"You two are to spend time together and handle some royal duties as soon to be newly weds. This is a request from the Shay royal family so that you two will be able to have more affection towards each other. I will be out to fulfill my agenda in France" Marissa implied, she was about to walk away. "Mother, won't you be handling the opening for the new bakery down town?" Freddie asked, "That is already taken care of. I am two steps ahead of you son, now.. au revoir" Marissa waved politely and left with her head up high and back straight. She was now gone.

Prince Freddie sighed, he looked at Princess Carly. "Princess Carly.. I-I'm sorry but-" he was cut off, "Don't worry Freddie. Also.. there isn't anyone here right now. We can talk like what they call "commoners". Anyways.. I know you don't want to be betrothed, you've been against that ever since we were little" Carly said, "O-Oh. It's just that, I don't think it is right for me to marry someone I don't love that way just for the sake of our Kingdoms. I just know that there is someone else in the family that married a commoner" Freddie scrunched his nose up.

Carly nods, "I agree. Please, I can trust you right?" she asked, Freddie nods. "Freddie, I can't marry you because I'm inlove with someone else" Carly whispered, Freddie widened his eyes. "It isn't a royal. If my father finds out that it's a commoner, the love of my life could be executed and I'll be sent to the dungeon for rebelling" she furrowed her brows sadly.

"Oh my goodness.. how and who?" Freddie asked, "It's one of the guards in the palace, lowest rank. Bradley Prentice is his name, I have looked into his files and background too and he is a pure non-royal" Carly explained, "One day when I was returning back to the palace after a long flight from Italy, I was lead by him towards a secret place in the palace and we felt this connectiong between us" she added. Freddie nods, "How did he feel when he found out you were being betrothed?" he asked, "Disappointed ofcourse" Carly sighed sadly.

"Oh good lord. *sigh* This whole arranged marriage is.. what do they call it again? Oh yeah. This whole thing is whack, I-I suppose that is the right terminology. If only we could change it and show the world that real love between royals and commoners are true love and not just fake love that's just for the sake of the Kingdom and the family bloodline" Freddie pinched his nose bridge and took a deep breath. "I can agree with that. How about let's just do what our families are making us do today. Oh, I know this girl.. she makes great cakes and she is one of my best friends since my days in elementary school. She's a commoner but a very daring person and has charisma" Carly said, Freddie nods "What's her name?" he asked, "Samantha, though.. she prefers to be called Sam" Carly answered.

They walk in the car and head to the cafe Sam works at. They got out of the car, surprisingly there are no people and paparazzi showing up. The street where the cafe is somewhat always empty due to everyone living near there are merchants and they always head to the market or other places to sell. Nobody was in the cafe since it was just opening time, the cafe opens at 12 pm.

This time, Sam was with her friend and co-worker Wendy. Wendy saw Carly and Freddie walk in and she squealed and widened her eyes, "Oh my God! Two royals!" she exclaimed while shaking Sam, "Oh dear God" Sam rolled her eyes, "Wendy, Wendy. Chill.. go to the back first and cool yourself off" she advised her, she nods and went to the back.

"Sam, great to see you!" Carly smiled, "Nice seeing you too Princess Carly" Sam greeted her, she looks at Freddie. "What a coincidence.. we met yesterday. So your name is Samantha" he smiled, "Yeah. Anyways, what do you want to order?" Sam asked, "One of your homemade cakes. Any would be fine" Carly implied, "Alright, hold on" Sam was getting a cake slice from the back. They don't sell her cakes. She walks back out with two slices of redvelvet cake.

"Did anyone ever tell you, that you look like Queen Jane?" Freddie said, "I get that alot. I'm not though, I've checked my ancestry and I don't have any percentage of royal blood in me" Sam replied, "You really look like her though" Carly realized, Sam shook her head. "Nope. Trust me, I have taken plenty of tests and all the results are confirmed that I have no bloodline of royalty" she explained.

Carly and Freddie nod, they sat down at a table. "Mm, this is delicious!" Freddie smiled, "Thanks, it's my own recipe. It's whatever.. and plus it's just a hobby. I don't sell it because it isn't really my passion" Sam implied. Wendy told Sam that she got a call from her dad to get back home since he needed help because of her sick mom. Sam nods and Wendy leaves. "Sam, how have you been overall?" Carly asked, "Good I guess.." Sam shrugged. "How's Bradley?" she asked, Carly frowned "He's still disappointed.." she implied.

"This whole arrange marriage thing seems so wrong and weird.. but.. what do I know? I'm just a commoner" Sam sighed and walked to the back to grab her phone and she walked back out, "Don't worry, all three of us don't like the idea" Freddie added, "Sometimes I just wished that I could be a normal boy" he implied. Sam and Carly look at each other and nod. "How about let's go undercover once in awhile and dress up like "commoners" ugh, I still hate saying that word since it ranks people. What if we just act like different people. Experience what freedom is kind of like" Carly suggested, Freddie thought for a bit. "What if we get caught?" he asked, "We won't because.. my father doesn't know Bradley and I are an item and he Bradley could drive us to the places we could go to while he is also wearing a disguise. They won't notice 1 mssing guard since there are already plenty of them in the force" Carly replied. Freddie grinned mischeiviously and nods in agreement.

~To Be Continued~

~𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~ (Discontinued/TBD continuation)Where stories live. Discover now