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Nobody's pov

"You really came?" Sam asked, "Of course. Um, C-Can I come in?" Freddie asked, Sam nods and let's him in, she closed the door. "I thought you weren't going to come so I just fell asleep" she scratched the back of her neck, "It's alright. Oh, did I come at a bad time. I'll leave so you'll get some sleep if you need to" Freddie said, "No, it's alright. I'm just glad you came" Sam implied. "Have you ever watched Ready Player One?" she asked, "No, my mother won't let me watch those kinds of movies so I just hide while watching them online" Freddie implied, Sam nods and loaded the movie on her laptop.

She got some chips and blue dog soda, Freddie was reaching in the chip bag till Sam pulled the bag away from him, Freddie scoffed and took her blue dog soda and started to drink it instead.

-During the movie-

Sam was droopy eyed and she couldn't help but fall asleep, Freddie noticed her dozing off.. "You should get some rest.. I'll see you tomorrow" he whispered, although.. the blonde didn't respond, she was already asleep. They were already sitting on her bed, he made her lay more comfortably. He tugged the blanket and put it ontop of her, "Goodnight" he caressed her cheek and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled gently.

-The next day--9 am-

Sam's pov

*yawn* I slowly open my eyes when I heard my alarm go off, I groaned and turned it off. Why do alarms have to be so irritating even if my alarm isn't as loud as before? I look up at the ceiling and realize. Shoot! I fell asleep last night while watching the movie with the prince of nubs.. I guess he laid me down more comfortably. I scoff at the thought.

Nobody's pov

Sam gets up and washed her face with water at the kitchen sink since it's the nearest, she was drying her face off with a towel. "Oh you're already awake" she heard a male voice come out of her bathroom, she turned around and saw Freddie freshly showered. "AHHH! What are you doing here?!" she asked and threw her towel at him. "Umph! You know I can get you in so much trouble for throwing that at me!" Freddie threatened, "I can get you sued for being in my apartment without me knowing!" Sam shot back, "Just-.. what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I stayed the night. I put you in a more comfortable position to sleep and I slept on the floor with just a pillow and a blanket" Freddie explained, "*laughs* You... You slept on the floor?" Sam laughed. "Well where else? You don't have a couch, atleast the floor is full carpet so I slept on the floor. I didn't want to creep you out if I slept beside you" Freddie said, he changed into his clothes last night. Sam furrowed her brows a bit "Why didn't you just go back to your comfortable palace?" she asked, "Because.. I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. Don't worry, I just told my butler to tell my mom I was on my usual early morning walks" Freddie smiled, Sam rose her brows. Why the hell does this duche have to be so nice yet so stupid? she thought.

"By the way.. is your guitar tuned?" Freddie asked, "It always is, why?" Sam got her guitar and gave it to Freddie, "Alright, because I spent my whole night two days ago learning that one song you like" he implied, "What? Do you even have a guitar?" Sam asked, "I bought one. Come on, sit down" Freddie was excited to play it, Sam looked at him like he was a happy puppy ready for a walk. She sat down on her chair, Freddie sat infront of her on her bed.

He was playing Sam's favorite song "Running Away".

She was smiling at him playing, she laughed a bit when he played the wrong chord "Wrong chord. It's like this" she was positioning his finger tips on the strings, "I guess you're a fast learner huh?" she assumed while raising a brow at Freddie. "Sometimes.." he shrugged, "Why learn the guitar all of the sudden?" Sam asked, "Why not? It seems so fun" Freddie smiled.

When Sam was letting Freddie get used to the strings, she let him start the song again.

She started to sing along while he was playing the guitar. She didn't want to confuse him so she just sang a verse.
"I don't know if I'm gonna change,
Wasting time and another day.
I keep running away
Even from the good things"

Freddie smiled.

When he finished playing the guitar for her, "That.. that was good" Sam chuckled as she nods her head of approval, "Thanks" Freddie smiled. He always smiles alot when he's with her Is this what liking someone is like? he thought to himself but then realized what he thought.. he likes her.

Their faces leaned closer and closer until Sam accidentally strummed her guitar and it broke off their trance. Again? she thought.

"It's um.. it's almost 11:10. I still have work today so you should uh-" she was stuttering, "Y-Yeah, I'll see you" Freddie gave her back her guitar and waved at her while he went out of the apartment.

Sam pinched herself to know if she was dreaming or not. *knock knock* She heard, looking at her peephole of the door and saw Freddie. "What a-" she cut off when he pressed his lips onto hers. Sam widened her eyes, her heart was pounding fast, fortunately she took it and kissed back.

When they pulled away, blood was rushing to their cheeks, "I-.. I really wanted to do that" Freddie implied, "How will we tell Carly we kissed?" Sam pulled him in her apartment again so that people won't see, "How will we tell Carly... the one who helped me sneak out just to get here, the one who also has a boyfriend that isn't me? Oh I don't know.. when she gets here" Freddie smirked.

Sam then realized, "Oh chiz! Wait, w-we kissed! You're a royal, I'm not! Dude we're gonna be in so much trouble" she exclaimed, "It's okay, let's keep that a secret from others except Carly. Sam.. I like you. You are such an extraordinary girl and you literally make my days happy. I'm sorry I kissed you but-" Freddie was shushed by Sam kissing him again, they felt sparks from the kiss.

When they pulled away, the two smiled gently at each other. "So.. a-are we like?" Freddie asked, "Do you want to?" Sam asked, he nods. "Alright then" Sam hugged him. Freddie knew she was still worried about people finding out, he rubbed her back while in the hug. "I'll see you soon" Sam said, Freddie nods and waved. Sam saw him take the stairs down the apartment complex, she touched her lips and grinned at the thought of him.

~To Be Continued~

~𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~ (Discontinued/TBD continuation)Where stories live. Discover now