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Nobody's pov

Freddie was about to leave the palace until Freddie was stopped by Carly and her father. "Prince Fredward. I would just like to greet you after I drop my daughter off here. I will just be talking about your wedding with your mother inside the palace. You and my daughter is to spend time together again so that your thoughts of being married to a commoner shall be converted" King Steven implied, Freddie just nods. King Steven walks into the palace, Carly sighed and she got in the car with Freddie. 

"Driver, may we be dropped off at the Asphalt cafe please?" Carly asked, "Yes, your highness" the driver nods. They saw that there were more people than usual. The people there saw Princess Carly and Prince Freddie but everyone knew that they might be busy with something. The paparazzi were just taking pictures from afar so that the two royals won't get bothered. The Kingdom of Bushwell is very respectful towards the royals, mostly the non-snobby ones, and the really nice and down to earth ones.

Carly and Freddie line up to order, when it was their turn they saw Sam's hair in a high ponytail, her bangs were to the side and some strands of her hair flawlessly frames her face. "Wow. New look" Carly smiled discreetly so that some of the other people won't be too suspicious why she's talking very, what some people say "Not royal like". Freddie noticed she was wearing the barrette he gave her, "Yeah.." Sam nods, "Anyways, we'll just get a latte and two cinnamon rolls" Carly said, Sam nods. "That'll be 10 dollars" she implied, Freddie paid for the two of them. Carly and Freddie stay at the pickup area, Sam switched with her co-worker and now she's making the drinks. 

When Carly and Freddie's order arrived, they sat down at a table and started to talk about the plan. "What information did you receive?" Freddie asked, "Well.. none yet, our royal families has a strong firewall and it's hard to break through it yet. The only information we currently have right now is the basic knowledge that shows our family tree from our grandparent's generation until today's generation" Carly implied, Freddie nods.

 "Maybe there's some information in the family tree that shows we aren't pure royal blood. Did you look into the information or backgrounds of our relatives?" he had a thought, "No.. that's where there's difficulty in getting into" Carly explained, "I also tried looking into Bradley's background but it also had difficulty in getting into" she added, "Well that makes sense. He's a guard of your palace, his information and background should also be kept hidden so nobody can be able to betray or blackmail him" Freddie theorized, "Actually everyone in every kingdom have strong firewalls, but us royals have stronger ones. So just trying to get into a citizen's information and background is already very difficult. My friend has hacked just 3 citizens and that's it. I even tried to get into Sam's info but she has a strong firewall than the usual citizen" 

Carly explained and sighed, she glanced at Sam just at the counter. "Is she good with technology? People who are good with technology can enhance their privacy defender" Freddie asked, "Kind of, it's a 50/50" Carly replied. 

"*sigh* If we can't do this then we have to get married. I don't mean to be offensive but I really only just see each other as friends" Freddie implied, "Oh, no I also actually see us a friends. Also because the love of my life is a "commoner" and I will not stop this until we can find out about something in our family" Carly said in a very determined tone. The two were just talking discreetly so people wouldn't hear their conversation. 

-After Sam's shift-
-5 pm-

Nobody else was left in the cafe since they close early that day. Well.. nobody else except for Carly and Freddie, Wendy and her other co-worker already left. The royal driver was sent back to the palace. "Finally, we can talk normally again" Freddie sighed, "I'm surprised nobody realized that you two were here for more than an hour" Sam said, she gave them their disguise clothes.

After the two royals changed their clothes, they started walking back to Sam's apartment to talk about the info. No paparazzi was there, nor any other fans nearby. A random guy walks up to them and tries to snatch Sam's bag, though.. she gripped on it hard. Carly and Freddie were about to help "Don't worry. I'll be fine" Sam said and let them stay put. "What the hell?!" the robber couldn't snatch the bag from Sam, "Oh come on, is that all you've got?" she rolled her eyes and snatched the bag back effortlessly causing the guy to fall down. "Oh my gosh!" Carly's jaw dropped. The robber tries to swing a hit on Sam but she dodged, she took out a sock filled with butter and swung the sock and it hit the guy in the face. Sam put it back in her bag and the three walked away. The guy grabbed Carly from behind, "No!" Freddie exclaimed, watching his bestfriend being restrained. 

"You do not! I repeat DO NOT try and kidnap my bestfriend!" Sam ran to the random guy and pinched the nerve on his neck and he passed out. "Run" she told them and they ran back to the apartment. "How did you do that?" Freddie asked, "Been there done that. This isn't the first time this happened to me" Sam implied. 

When they got to Sam's apartment, "Thanks for that" Carly thanked Sam, Freddie thanked her too. "No prob. I knew you could of helped but the suspicion would go up if one of you got hurt and your parents found out about it" Sam said. "So.. any info?" she added. "None, just the family tree. My friend and I tried to hack into the backgrounds and information of our relatives but the firewall is too strong so it'll unfortunately take longer" Carly implied, "I could help a bit. Maybe some of my tech skills can be able to breach it and some information could be able to be seen without any warning signals from our family" Freddie insisted. Sam scoffed, "Tech skills? You barely can stay on your own two feet" she said, "Watch your mouth. You know what I can do to you if you said that" Freddie sternly said, Sam stood up and walked up to him and crouched so they were eye level. "And yet you still didn't do it" she uttered, Freddie gulped. Sam smirked and she walked out to the fire escape and took sodas from her cooler and gave one to Carly, she had one for herself too.

"ooo I haven't had soda in such a long time!" Carly cheered and started to drink it, Sam was drinking hers. "Hey, what about me?" Freddie asked, "Sorry, guess I forgot about you" Sam joked and chuckled. "No more playing games" Freddie sighed and took the soda from her and chugged it. "Never knew I'd see the day for a royal member chug a drink" Sam rose her brows, "Yup. It's because we don't really have freedom" Carly said, Freddie nods.

-6 pm-

"We'll get going now. My mother informed me that Carly's father will be eating dinner at the palace" Freddie informed them, he and Carly already changed back into their usual clothes. Carly was wearing her day dress below her knee, a blazer, and 3 inched heels while Freddie was wearing his usual suit and pants shoes. The two were about to leave till Freddie looked back, "That barrette really looks nice on you" he smiled, Sam gave a small smile. Freddie waved and turned back, Sam waved and closed the door. 

~To Be Continued~

~𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~ (Discontinued/TBD continuation)Where stories live. Discover now