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Nobody's pov

The royals get back inside the palace, "You two did a good job with your announcements" the queen complimented Carly and Freddie, "Yes. Fit to be king and queen" King Steven said, Carly and Freddie just laugh nervously and smiled. "U-Uh.. Princess Carly why don't we go to the stables and go horseback riding" Freddie asked Carly, she nods. "Be safe!" Marissa said.

Carly and Freddie went to the stables and took their horses, they both changed into appropriate clothes to ride the horses. They then took their horses out onto the pavement side and started to go around. "Alright, so any luck?" Freddie asked, "No... oh wait! Actually, yes! I got into my dad's background, we've broken through the firewall and with no suspicion" Carly implied, "That's good! After we finish this round, let's go to Limwel and tell him the news while we break through my family's firewall" Freddie said, "How do you know if we could actually trust Limwel?" Carly asked, "Well he said that he wants to help us, plus he already found out accidentally. Then he said to me that he was always suspicious of our family" the brunette boy said, "Here's the info on my phone, you can read it out loud since nobody is even here" Carly pointed to her phone that Freddie was holding, he starts to read it. "King Steven Shay, born on September 16, wife is queen Catherine.. rest in peace. Siblings are Princess Margaret, sibling in law is Prince Theo. Youngest sibling.. wait I thought your dad only had one sibling?" Freddie furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Yeah, I thought so too.. He's the eldest and my aunt, Queen Margaret is the second. That means there's someone else, I didn't expect for us to get this much info right now. Just keep reading through" Carly furrowed her brows, intrigued from the new information. Freddie nods, "Youngest sibling, Princess Tess Dorfman.. *snickers* Dorfmans? S-Sorry.. she was exiled from the royal family alongside husband Prince Barry, and their kids Princess Faye and Prince Ozlottis" he reads, "Exiled? No no, if one of my relatives, more so 4 people are exiled.. the news would be everywhere. That's impossible to cover up, maybe they just pulled a Meghan and Harry move" Carly speculated.
(Get it? Meghan and Harry.. n-no? Okeh😐)

They finished the round. After putting the horses back into the stables, they changed into their normal wear again. When they were walking around the palace, Limwel caught up to them "Hello Princess Carly and Prince Freddie" he greeted them, "Hello Limwel, what are the info you got?" Freddie asked, "That's the reason why I was finding you two, come with me" Limwel was leading them to the place in the palace where the information was kept.

When they arrived to the room, Carly and Freddie looked around and saw some PC's. "Woah, this is so cool!" Freddie looked around, "Prince, please don't touch anything else but the PC's, those are your medical records information" Limwel said cautiously, "Apologies" Freddie implied. "Alright, so here are all of the information, it's in a USB and here are some paper files that I know involves plenty of both of your family's background" Limwel gave them a suitcase with the files and the USB.

"Thanks so much Limwel, you don't know how much this means to us" Carly thanked him, "It's no problem, I've worked for this family for 4 years and throughout those years, it felt sketchy, no offense" Limwel chuckled nervously, "It's alright, none taken. Growing up in this palace for years and years.. I've discovered things by accident andy mother would always lead me away from it. I've always wondered what it was like to not be somewhat locked up in a palace and have a normal teenage life like you" Freddie implied, "Let's just say that.. it was difficult yet fulfilling to live a so called "free" life to you two" Limwel replied with a smile.

"Tell us.. what was it like? I'm not trying to look down on non-royals. I'm just wondering what it was like.. because in my teenage years, I already had overwhelming duties to uphold" Carly asked, "Well.. I'm just 36 but when I was a teen, I used to play out with my friends, school sucked, I learned how to drive at 16, got my liscense at 18, it felt so free.. but when I turned 16, I felt so much toxicity from some people, I became more self-consious, I was treated like garbage by some of my friends before, and I had to work part time jobs just to get by, being in the early syages of teen hood is sometimes great but when you grow older in that milestone, you lose friends, you lose hope, you lose faith in people. But.. it get's better overtime" Limwel sighed, "I-.. I apologize for asking" Carly looks down at her shoes, "It's okay. Now scurry along, I'm still on the clock" Limwel waved at the two and smiled, Carly and Freddie waved back and walked away..

Limwel's smile started to fade.

*7 pm*

Carly and Freddie were just in Freddie's room looking at the files, Carly was on Freddie's computer with the USB plugged in. "What have you found so far?" he asked, "Well.. I've written some info I found on a piece of paper" Carly picks up the paper and starts to read it, "What I've found so far is that Queen Catherine a.k.a my mother was killed by a hitman because they didn't like her as Queen, I also found out that the Dorfmans left the royal family including their kids because they wanted to live a more normal life. I'm so intriggued on why my father didn't tell me this. I've checked my medical records and it had a record of full royal blood, but I'm not sure yet.. unless our older ancestors have married commoners though I highly doubt it, my family is very conservative so they stick to tradition of just marrying royal bloodlines" Carly sighed, "This is my family tree, it's the current one" she showed Freddie the screen showing her family tree.

 unless our older ancestors have married commoners though I highly doubt it, my family is very conservative so they stick to tradition of just marrying royal bloodlines" Carly sighed, "This is my family tree, it's the current one" she showed Fredd...

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"The blue names are the kids of my cousin's and purple is the spouse of my cousins. So Prince Harrison and Princes Bridget are married with a child Prince Alan, my aunt Margaret had my cousin at a young age, but.. legal so Harrison is the 4th eldest cousin, he just turned 20, so did Bridget. My dad took the throne since he's the eldest sibling amongst my aunts and uncles" Carly explained, "Damn.. big family huh?" Freddie rose his brows, Carly nods.

They heard a knock on the door, the two widened their eyes and hid all the files quickly. "Come in!" Freddie said as they were done hiding things, "It is time to eat dinner your highness" one of the maids bowed, "Alright" Freddie nods, Carly and him walk to the dining room. "Hello soon to be King and Queen, what have you two been up to?" King Steven asked, "We were just having small talk in my room. Just chit chat" Freddie clarified, he and Carly took a seat.

After dinner, Carly and Freddie went back up to his room, until.. he remembered something, "Shit" he uttered, Carly rose her brows in surprise. "O-Oh.. I'm sorry about that.. I need your help with something" Freddie stood up from his desk chair immediately, Carly was very confused "What is it?" she asked, "I need you to help me sneak out.. it's already 10 pm and I have to go to Sam's apartment-" he cut off when he saw Carly smirking at him, "Sam Puckett ayye?" she teased, "It's not like that.. we're just going to hang out together and watch a movie. I promised her I'm going to be there, I'm sorry" Freddie apologized while scratching the back of his neck, "Suree you are.. Alright, I'll help you" Carly smiled and nods.

After conducting a plan, Freddie put on his disguise clothes and snuck out of his room while going down and heading to the garden area to sneak out since nobody is usually there. Carly made a fake him to seem like he's sleeping on his bed and she walked to the car with her dad, she lied and told Marissa that Freddie was already fast asleep.

-At Sam's apartment-

Sam was sleeping, it was already late so she thought that Freddie wasn't coming. She heard a knock on the door, she opened it and saw Freddie, she rose her brows. "Sorry I'm late" he chuckled a little.

~To Be Continued~

~𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~ (Discontinued/TBD continuation)Where stories live. Discover now