Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Breakup and Blown Up


Hiccup sat alone in a restaurant, dressed in a navy blue hoodie, grey shirt and black jeans, with his favourite leather jacket on the back of his chair.

He had received a text from Cami, saying she had something to tell him after meeting him there. So he had gotten dressed and went, assuming it was a date.

It most certainly wasn't, but Hiccup didn't know that.

Idly looking around, he saw two individuals enter the building, with the Maitre d' approaching them there.

He quickly recognised one of them as Bertha, Cami's mother, with her towering form and distinct hair colour, who he had met when Cami and he had met back in 2013, just over four years ago, and the other; with long black hair, being unknown, yet something told him that he knew her, somehow.

After a brief conversation with the Maitre d', the man directed them to the table where Hiccup was sitting.

As they approached, Hiccup observed Bertha's black-haired companion, taking in her brown eyes and becoming increasingly certain he knew her from somewhere.

But where?

All too soon, the duo sat, with the unknown woman snatching up a chair from another table as there was only one chair opposite Hiccup.

"I come bearing bad news, Captain," Bertha began.

"What sort of bad news? And who's your friend? I feel like I know her from somewhere."

"This is Agent Sørensen," she introduced, with the women giving a wave. Then she spoke. "There was a bet involved, last time we saw each other, Hiccup."

It took Hiccup a moment, but he connected the dots in the end. "Anne?!" he exclaimed, eyes widening. "Is that you?"

She smiled. "Yes, it is I."

"Okay, I for one would like to apologise about... you know what."

She waved him off. "Water under the bridge. I didn't give you a chance to explain after all."

"Well, that's great! So, you work for the DSIS now?"

Anne frowned. "Um, why are you using the English name for the organisation?"

"Because I want to," Hiccup shrugged. "Anyway, you mentioned something about bad news, Bertha?"

"Yes," Bertha sighed. "It's about Cami."

Hiccup frowned, even as alarm bells went off in his head. "What about Cami? Did she get hurt or something?"

"No, nothing like that. Don't worry. It's much more... emotional. Or at least it will be, for you."

"Okay, now you've lost me. Explain, please."

"My daughter is breaking up with you. For the sake of her job."

The first seven words in that sentence destroyed Hiccup, so much so that he barely registered the rest.


"I'm sorry Hiccup. It's over," Anne said with a sympathetic smile.

Hiccup blinked slowly three times, before pinching his left wrist with his right arm. "Sorry, I'm sure I misheard you. Can you repeat that?"

"My daughter doesn't want to be with you anymore. Sorry to say so."

"That can't be right, because we had a good thing going. But alright then," Hiccup sighed.

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