Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Warmth

A/N: So as I was writing this chapter, I hit a major obstacle, and as a result, I had to take liberties regarding Hiccup and Astrid's possible handling of alcohol; that being that they handle their drink extremely well in this pocket universe I've created.

They are unsteady on their feet while drunk, but otherwise unaffected by it.

This is also another M rated chapter, with a bit of fluff included near the end.


Stumbling through his apartment door with his girlfriend was a slightly awkward affair, but they managed it on their second try. "I think I won that challenge, wouldn't you agree, babe?"

"It was actually a tie."

"Let me have this."

Chuckling, Hiccup nudged the front door of his apartment shut behind them as Astrid separated from him, then looked her way. "So, what do we do now?"

A moment passed before Hiccup was shoved up against the door. He and Astrid were quick to lean in after that; cupping each other's cheeks and kissing hungrily, putting in all the pent up need - that had developed over the past few days - to be together in that one moment.

"My beautiful lady..." Hiccup murmured as they pulled from the kiss to breathe, though his mouth didn't stop, kissing his way over her jaw, trailing down to her neck, pulling her closer to him, long limbs wrapping around her slender body.

"Mmm..." Astrid moaned, tilting her head back to give him better access, biting her lip and gripping his leather jacket desperately.

One of his hands slid over a breast, concealed behind her red blouse and pressed down on her now rock hard nipple, earning him another throaty moan. "H-Hiccup..." she sighed, angry hot desire pulsing greedily between her legs, brushing her chest against his coat, the peaks grazing against the hard leather, making the throbbing so much stronger. Unable to handle it, Astrid tugged on a sleeve of his leather jacket. Hiccup pulled a little from her without having to be asked and hurriedly began to yank the thing off him.

As soon as Hiccup tossed his outer garment away and onto the floor, Astrid was on him again, reaching for the edge of his shirt and pulling it right off, sliding her hand over his deliciously exposed chest, over to his neck, and tugging him back to kiss her. Their lips parted in an instant, hot and eager to pour into each other again.

The taste of alcohol still lingered on their lips, intoxicating them the further they delved into their mouths. Astrid walked him backwards, over to his bed while Hiccup fiddled with the collar of her t-shirt but failed to do much more than position the triangle-shaped pieces of material so that they pointed upwards.

Never slowing down, they left their jackets behind on their urgent way to his bedroom and his bed, their legs threatening to buckle with every step on the short journey.

Finally reaching the bed, Hiccup fell onto it, followed by Astrid landing on top of him, spread out somewhat, resulting in an awkward heap of limbs. They then reached for the other to commence another kiss.

Hiccup's hands clumsily navigated her remaining clothes, fingers trailing down as they searched for the hem of her shirt, then slid under her bra, gliding over her heated skin. Astrid arched her back a little, shivering at the pleasant feeling, the pressure of his hand lighting her on fire, making her sigh giddily through their lip-lock.

Her nails dragged over the sharp swells of his abs, purring in appreciation. Hiccup yanked her shirt off and went back to her neck, sucking on her pulse point while his eager hands pulled her binding off. Astrid panted softly, as they reached the bed, digging her fingers into his waistband. "Hiccup..." she groaned, tugging on him. Hiccup pulled away again and they quickly tore the rest of their clothes off.

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