Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Meet the Haddocks

A/N: Something more lighthearted and not smut based for a change. Hope you enjoy this short chapter; they'll be more SFW stuff in the future.

Decided to post this before the next TGS chapter, which is finished, but I'm waiting on a friend of mine to review the latest one. Soon as that happens, you'll get to read it.


"I'm nervous."

Looking at his girlfriend of one month, Hiccup frowned. She was shuffling her feet nervously on the spot, which was quite unusual for her really.

"What for? My parents - Hel, my whole family - are dying to meet you."

"I don't want to disappoint them."

Hiccup blinked, incredulous.

"How in Hel are you going to disappoint them?"

Cami shrugged, reaching up to finish tidying her hair up. Hiccup thought she looked perfect, but Cami insisted on looking presentable for the reunion they were off to no matter how he insisted the Haddock lot were not that fussy. Her hair was tied up in a braided bun; another thing that was unusual for her, as she tended not to care what her hair looked like.

With those wide blue eyes and her soft pink lips that curved up into a lazy smile, she really was unbelievably beautiful. Hiccup still pinched himself now and then when he remembered she was his girlfriend; even with the pair being more than comfortable with each other in the realm of sex.

"What are you wearing?"

"Me? Jeans and a jumper. I told you, nobody is dressing up. My mom might force my dad to wear a tie if she's feeling fancy, but that's it. What are you wearing?"

She shrugged again, heading to the wardrobe in his room.

Hiccup watched as she sorted through the different sections of hanging - tops and bottoms, smart and casual and smart-casual. Sportswear was folded and tucked up on the shelf above, plus his Jaeger Corps uniform.

Her hand plucked at a powder blue blouse but moved on quickly with a frown on her face. Hiccup was curious but didn't want to add him questioning her clothing choices to his girlfriends' anxieties. Eventually, she picked out a red top which she paired with black jeans that hugged her lean legs and hips.

Cami looked incredible as she stepped into her boots, then turned to him. "Much as I love the bike, my hair is too perfect for the windswept look today."

Hiccup chuckled. "I'll live. You ready to go milady?"

Glancing toward her packed overnight bag, Cami nodded. "As I'll ever be."

He pulled Cami closer, kissed that soft pout of hers. She hummed, leaning against him until Hiccup looped his arms around her back, squeezed her gently and kissed her hair.

"They are gonna adore you, just like I do. Promise."

"Ok. Lets go before I change my mind."

It was a bit of a drive up to his parents' house - it looked much grander than the family really were, an inherited house on his fathers' side. The biggest expenditure his father had made himself was definitely the black Range Rover out in front, though it was a practical buy; big enough to fit his dads bulk and height, plus good at multiple terrains for the family who liked a road trip now and then.

"My car looks awful here," she said, frowning at the steering wheel in front of her.

"What, because its not as expensive as my dad's Range Rover?"

Cami nodded, her frown deepening.

"You realise you're dating someone who doesn't even drive a car, right?"

Cami smiled a little but sighed. "Doesn't stop me feeling inadequate, even if they won't care."

He turned and pecked her on the lips. "They won't, so stop worrying milady."

Finally, she smiled properly. "Okay, let's do this thing."

So Hiccup got out and grabbed their stuff from the trunk while Cami took a few breaths. He understood she was nervous - all the telling that his parents were friendly, nice people wouldn't change that she had yet to actually meet them properly.

"There he is!"

His parents exited the house after hearing her car pull up, obviously eager to see him and meet Cami. The usual rib-cracking hug from his dad left Hiccup smiling breathlessly, followed by his mother's soft, tender cuddle that filled him with warmth.

"Mom, dad, this is Cami. Cami, this is my mom Valka and dad Stoick."

As usual, his parents were all smiles and good nature, though Hiccup saw the worry that flashed across Cami's face before she was hugged by his overly affectionate mother.

"It's so lovely to meet you at last. And you are just beautiful! I see why Hiccup can't stop talking about you."

Stoick chuckled. "Aye, you have certainly made an impression on our lad. Come on kids, head inside. I'll take your bags."

So the pair headed for the house while Hiccup's parents remained behind with the luggage they had brought, and as they walked, Hiccup draped his left arm over Cami's shoulders and drew her closer to him.

"See? I told you they wouldn't bite,"

Cami giggled. "True enough Haddock," she admitted, before turning and pressing her lips to his cheek.

"Hey!" Hiccup protested when she swatted at his rear with a sudden mischievous glint in her eyes and danced out of the way of his arms.

"First one to the house gets to ask about embarrassing childhood stories!~" she sang, then took off running.

"Oh it is so on, milady!" Hiccup growled, before quickly giving chase.

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