Chapter 10

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A/N: Yet more Hiccstrid filth for you guys, since I can't seem to resist writing smut.

But it helped to sort out me feeling burnt-out lately, so there's that ...

Anyways, enjoy this first part of a possible series/set of two chapters ;)


Astrid awoke with a smile on her face.

It was a good day.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, she was engaged to the man she loved - and had been for nearly a month now - and it was their day off; since it was the weekend.

Sighing blissfully, Astrid rolled over to gaze at her still sleeping fiance.

Glancing down, she noticed that he currently had morning wood, undoubtedly causing a tent in his pyjama shorts and the duvet that covered them both, with the sight prompting her brain to draw forth a certain erotic memory.

A few days after he had proposed, she had accidentally walked in on him pleasuring himself while thinking of her.

"Hiccup?" Astrid called, once she had shut the door of his, or theirs really, apartment.

She got no answer, instead hearing someone who sounded like Hiccup quietly exhale in Hiccup's bedroom.

Quietly stepping into the room, she expected to see him busy on his laptop, as he sometimes was.

But instead, she discovered him sat on his bed, his eyes closed, red-faced and with his jeans and underwear down to his knees, his left hand stroking himself.

Well hot damn, thought Astrid, subconsciously licking her lips as she stared motionless by the door of his room, utterly transfixed and shuddering with pleasure because of him, slowly starting to feel strongly heated need pooling between her legs.

Her eyes had become riveted on his left hand then, watching it slide up and down his length, so focus was she, that she couldn't stop the little moan of desire from leaving her.

When the sound alerted Hiccup to his audience of one, and he opened his eyes to gaze at her, she had expected him to become nervous at being caught... but to her surprise and arousal, he had continued on pumping, panting as he stroked his swollen erection, cloudy eyes fixed on hers.

"Care to join me, milady?" he asked, his voice coming out husky and low.

Astrid simply nodded, and he paused in his ministrations, watching as she made her way to him. Swiftly disrobing, her azure depths hazy with lust as she crawled onto his lap and impaled herself onto him.

Slowly, very slowly, she pushed herself up, sliding her clit and her soaked core up and down his length. The sensation was overwhelming, sending hot desire through her already excited body but that was not why she did it.

She watched with gleaming eyes as his emerald depths rolled back into his head for a moment. He groaned and twitched beneath her, his hand still on her hips but he didn't even try to take over, made no further attempt to pull her close and down onto him.

His hands didn't leave her but now they were more clinging to her than anything else, clinging to her for dear sanity while he waited for her to go on. He gave himself up to her, utterly and completely and his trust in her almost made her choke.

Gods, how much she loved him!

She leaned down to place another kiss on his lips, not innocent at all as she nibbled on his lower lip and sucked it into her mouth just as she angled her hip the right way and firmly sank down on him, taking him in completely.

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