Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: One Cosy Morning & Other Matters

A/N: A little bit more PWP for you all... mostly PWP. There is some plot at least.


Astrid was awoken by hands gently moving through her hair. Popping an eye open, she watched the person doing it, who turned out to be her boyfriend, gazing at her gold strands with an expression akin to adoration.

Her heart fluttered at the sight, and she sighed softly, her eye fluttering closed again as she simply savoured what Hiccup was doing. It felt amazing.

Her blissful sigh must have alerted him to her being awake, however, for he spoke not long later. "Morning milady. Enjoying this, are you?"

"You know I am, babe. I asked you to do it every morning, remember?"

"Just checking. Would hate to do something you hate."

"Less talking, more massaging."

He chuckled. "Yes ma'am."

So Hiccup lifted his hands up to massage her scalp, using his fingernails to lightly scrape over her sensitive skin. Astrid shivered and fidgeted as a result, clearly enjoying what he was doing, as evidenced by the smile that formed on her lips.

Hit by a sudden idea to change things up, Hiccup smirked to himself.

With a cheeky grin, he abandoned her scalp massage to brush her hair aside and brought his mouth toward the soft skin at her neck. His light kisses and nibbles left her whimpering quietly until, after a few minutes, he bit down into her shoulder. An urgent moan tore itself from her throat, one that startled her, making her eyes open to gaze into his before she placed a hand over her mouth in shock.

"Hmm, I seem to have put you in the mood. My mistake," he said, smirking at her and entirely unphased by her indignant glare.

"A little warning next time, please?"

"So you liked that, then?" he checked, chuckling as her cheeks heated.

"Hiccup," she warned, her eyes narrowing. "Don't do that again."

"Or what?" he taunted. "You'll punch me like you did when I told you about your uncle? I can take a hit; story of my life."

"I just might," she threatened.

"Then go ahead," Hiccup spread his arms. "You get one free hit today. I'm feeling generous."

Astrid sighed. "Alright fine, you win this round Haddock. You're lucky I like you. Now..." her blush returned anew. "Do that again, what you did before. I-I did enjoy it. I admit it."

"As milady wishes," he said, smiling smugly in victory at her.

Closing the distance between them somewhat, Hiccup paused as a thought seemed to come to him. "What would you say to going out for dinner later? I have a place in mind."

"That sounds good babe. Now, as you were,"

"Yes ma'am," he said, not hesitating to bring his lips back to her neck.


So that evening, Hiccup and Astrid entered a restaurant to eat out at.

Stepping past the threshold, Hiccup waved a hand around, gesturing to the interior of the building, then started to wring his hands. "So this was one place I used to bring Cami to, from time to time. But I stopped coming after a while."

"Oh, why?" Astrid asked, not failing to notice him wringing his hands.

"This was where she and I broke up," Astrid's eyes widened and Hiccup continued on quickly. "S-so I'm putting myself out there in the hopes the same won't happen again. Not that I doubt you or anything, it's just-"

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