Maybe Love is Happiness(2)

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Audz22BPTW hey there!! :> Congratulations you got tag🤗. This is the part 2 of the previous chapter.


Miya woke up noticing Lesley beside her. She decided not to wake her up because she knows she has a hangover. But then she notices that the place where they are, is not their appartment.

Miya: Lesley!! Wake up!!

Lesley: why? Its early in the morning?

Miya: ah.... I think we got kidnapped

Lesley: are you an idiot!?, if we were kidnapped we shouldn't be here in a fancy hotel!!

Miya's mind: Three, Two, One :>

Lesley: WAIT!! WHAT?!!

Miya: told ya

Lesley: oh hell, where are we?

Miya: help!! can somebody help us?!! Somebody there!!

Lesley: hey you!! You fucking kidnapper dont hide your self you fucking bullshit!!

Gusion: wait what? You called me a bullshit after helping you both?

Miya: Why are we here you idiot?!!

Lesley: dont ask him, thank you Mr. Paxley but we need to go... Lets go Miya

Gusion: wait Les! Can we talk for a minute....

Lesley: sorry but I have something urgent to do, rather than talking to you

Gusion: please Les.... just this once let me....

Miya: its ok Les, go ahead talk to him, well he really needs to explain though

Lesley: ok fine, maybe later at the coffee shop at 9 AM, I'm really tired right now so later, please?

Gusion: ok then, see you later

Miya: got to go, or she will be mad at me AGAIN

Lesley: Miya! Im waiting!

Miya: urghh, Im coming!


I thought I have moved on but, why am I feeling this right now?!! (marupok ka kase) "wait what did you said author? what is rupok?" I asked her because she said something "uhmm, rupok person" she answered clearing her throat.

Lesley: Uhmm, so you're marupok

Author: ayy gagi nadali ako, ahh I gotta go, bye!

Miya: Les, get ready its almost 9 AM

Lesley: uhmm, ok

Miya: are you sure you wanna go there?

Lesley: yeah, maybe it is important and he also has a lot of explaining to do. I have a lot of questions and maybe he can answer it. Right?

Miya: you got a point

Lesley: ok, gotta go, see ya later

Layla: Good luck lissy!!

Lesley: thanks

No Ones POV

At the Coffee Shop

Gusion: here Les!

Lesley: uhmm..... so what do you wanna talk about?

Gusion: Les.... I-im sorry

Lesley: look Gus, if you are happy with her its fine. And I'll try to forget all about you and all about us! Just please...... please leave me alone

Gusion: Who is her?

Lesley: bruhh.... stop acting dumb

Gusion: I dont know what youre talking about

Lesley: that girl youre with last night

Gusion: Uhh, you mean Gwen?

Lesley: I dont know and I....dont care

Gusion: wait, Les! She isn't my new one. She is the girlfriend of Granger

Lesley: ok then, I need to go, bye


Lesley was about to walk out when Gusion pull her.

Lesley: what are you doing?

Gusion: listen Les...... I left you because my mom told me to, and I needed to leave you because you are being cold those days. So I thought you need time

Lesley: look Gus........Im okay now and if you want to say something then say it now, and please dont touch me

Gusion: I love you Les.....and I surely dont want to be seperate with you again, so will you be mine? again?

Lesley: fuck you, I love you too

Gusion pulled her into a kiss and she kiss back. They stop when they so the people around them looking.

Gagi, ang rupok :<

that is the end, and im sorry im just busy with my modules, which is the reason for the slow update (-_-') im really sorry

jamaica21tamayo hey there!! thanks for supporting :)
Gusley_is_layp hey there too!!

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