Letting Go ~

173 7 6

It all started in RPW....



My phone beep..... and I'm sure that it's him again. Urghh.... I forgot to log out my RP. I open my phone and as I expected.

Are you drunk again girl?
I told  you to stop it, drinking is
not meant for girls.

Why the heck do you care?! And
besides.... who do yoi think you are?

Runnin 'round leaving scars
Just kidding...

Well can you please stop bothering
me because I still have something more
important things to do than talking to strangers like you!

Bye potato!

Fuck of


This guy, he really enjoy teasing and bothering me. Well who cares? I'm a boring person so I'll never be affected.

Day past and he continue bothering my RP account.... well I cant really quit RP bcoz if I stay in my RA I'll be talking to peoples who are very close to St. Peter :)


Yoww potato!

What is it again?!

Calm girl! Well can I ask

You're asking.... bruhhh

I'm not kidding!

Ask if you want to! Will you say
it right now?! Because I still have
something to do, and it is more
important than talking to you!

Are you still single?

Wtf?! Well I am not interested!

I am not asking you yet but well
fine.... and by the way what's WTF?!


Stupid sniper...

You dagger boy! Or what else your
name is, I sniper girl! Will never be
interested to talk to someone whom
I don't even know!


Then my phone suddenly ring.... It's Miya

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~On Call~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes Miya?

Your boyfriend! He cheated on you!

What! Granger will never do that

Well then.... ask him!


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