Revenge Gone Wrong Part 2

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The bride run away.......without letting anyone know where she's going.

The Next Day

Layla: Les? Open the door..

Miya: She's not home yet..

Layla: wha-, why?

Miya: I told her everything I could not to leave, but she didn't listen

Layla: what do you mean?

Miya: she left and went to his bro's house

Layla: What?! Gus needs to know this

Miya: No, dont.... please

Layla: Why? For what?

Miya: I made a promise to her not to tell anybody about this.

Layla: But.....but Gus needs her

Miya: Im sorry, but I cant let you

      ----------------AFTER A YEAR-----------------

Wanwan: They're coming! They're coming!

Layla: Wheww, so we are their bestfriend but you are more excited than us!

Guinevere: Shut up Layla, we are just so happy, cause finally.....

Harley: HEP HEP!

Miya: "hooray"

Harley: wut?

Miya: nothing, where is your sis?

Harley: here....

Lesley: h-hi?

Miya: wahhh, is that you!?

Lesley: of course...

Miya: hmm? lemme see. You dye your hair blond change you lip stick into red and....

Lesley: stop it Miyaaa

Miya: where's your ( _-_ ) boy?

Lesley: here..... duhhh

Miya: Wahhh, that isn't...... Gus?

Gusion: ouhm.... yep

Miya: lemme see.... hmm

Wanwan: let me do it! You dye your hair like Granger's hair and....... contact lense!!!

Layla: wtf?! Gus, HAHAHA

Lesley: why? he is handso-..... I mean, I.....

Gusion: You said it, there's no turning back

Lesley: What? no, no, no, I didn't mean to...

Gusion: oh come on baby.....

Lesley: y-you!

Layla: Baby.... hope all🙄

Miya: wahhh, baby baby baby, Alu! Im jealous, call me that too...

Lesley: Gus, this is your fault! urghh...

Lesley rush into her car because of the embarassment.

Gusion: I'll go follow her, bye!

Wanwan: what? what?! We're treating you lunch!

Gusion: We will be back


Gusion: Les! Lets go, Wanwan is treating us for lunch

Lesley: hmph...

Gusion: Please...

Lesley: Say the magic word!

Gusion: stop it kiddo....

Lesley: f*ck you baby!

Gusion: Fuck me ha-

Lesley: Green minded🙄

Gusion: Just kidding.... lets go?

Lesley: ouhm...

Gusion: I love you

Lesley: I love you too!


I know you all are confuse, well let me explain what happened 1 year before that confusing scene.


Layla: whatever, I'll contact him no matter what!

Miya: what? for what?

Layla: for Gusion! Dont you understand?! Well at least you care for Lesley and you totally forgot that Gusion is your no, our friend too!

*ring* *answer*

Gusion: yes?

Layla: follow Les! I'll send you the address!

Gusion: thank you so much!

Layla: no prob, now hurry!

And yep, he follows her and tell her what he feels.

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