steal mah boy/girl

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Lesley and Gusion were together for 5 years since their highschool but they keep it a secret for everyone.......until......

Gwen: hey babe!!

Gusion: h....heyy

Lesley: I didn't know that you have a girlfriend.....sorry I gotta go....bye

Gusion: heyyy......stop gwen!!

Gwen: please love me I love you!!!

Gusion: sorry but I dont


I got shock when I heard those words from that words. I didn't know that I was just a third party. Gosh I've ruined everything......

Granger: les are you okay?

Lesley: * wipe her tears* yeah......heheh

Granger: I know your tissue

Lesley: thanks

Granger: always welcome

He left when suddenly.....

Gusion: LESLEY!!

Lesley: what??!!!

Gusion: stay away from him!!

Lesley: he is my bsfriend so dont you dare!!!

Gusion: im your boyfriend!!

Lesley: im just a 3rd party!!

Gusion: let me explain

Lesley: no need I know everything so Lets break sorry....*cries*


She left me without letting me explain.

Gwen: well, well, well.....HAHAH

Gusion: shut up you son of a bi**h

Gwen: fine.....but one day you'll love me too

Gusion: that will never happen bit*h

Gwen: ouch!! Hahahaha


There is a performance in their class and......

Alice(teacher): you will be teaming up into 2


Lesley: maam I dont wanna team up with him

Alice: thats final sorry

Gusion: its ok maam

Alice: ok your just gonna sing a song with a connection to each other.

Miya: come on we know who'll win....of course GUSLEY duhhh???

Lesley: but maam

Gusion: no more buts


Gusion: we'll just sing our theme song babe*whisper*

Lesley: nooo!!!

Gusion: yess

Lesley: urghhh fine!!

The Next Day

Alice: your turn Gusion and Lesley


I know, I know, I know for sure
Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in a whole wide world
Find another one cauz she belongs to me

Everybody wanna steal my boy
Everybody wanna take his heart away
Couple billion in a whole wide world
Find another one cauz he belongs to me

Gusion: Thank you everyone


Gusion: I have a special announcement everyone, can I maam Alice?

Alice: ok sure

Lesley: Imma go to the CR

Gusion: stay here babe!!

All: babe?? WOW!!!

Lesley: I thought we are done right

Gusion: I just wanna tell you all that we've been together for 5 years

All: owww!!! Yeah!! PERFECT COMBINATION!!

Gusion:but, she's breaking up with me

Lesley: Gus!!

Gusion: Guys please tell her I Love her so much, and I cant change her with that clingy girl gwen!!

Alucard: Gus is loyal Lesley!!

Miya: yeahh he is

Guinevere: its all my fault sorry....

Granger: and Gus,Lesley is just my friend

Gusion: please Lesley, believe me, I Love You

Lesley: Ok......Lets be together again.....I Love You too

Gusion: yesss!!! Thank you guys

Gusion kiss Lesley in her lips.

Lesley: Gus we're on the school

Alice: ehemm, we should proceed to our class

Lesley: sorry maam

Alice: ok, CONGRATS to both of you

Gusion: thanks maam

At Their House

Gusion: babe thank you for giving me a second chance

Lesley: you deserve it babe. Just promise me one thing

Gusion: what is it?

Lesley: promise me that you'll never keep me a secret of yours

Gusion: I promise

Lesley: than~~

Before Lesley could finish her words. Gusion kiss her and pinned her to the wall.

Gusion: baby please

Lesley: but....

Gusion: we've been together for 5 years but yet we cant do it

Lesley: im not done yet.....I said but not here...we are in the sala

Gusion: ok baby....heheh

Lesley: whats with that evil laugh??

Gusion: nothing...heheh

He kiss her while carrying her bridal style. When they reach their room Gusion lay her in the bed and started  kissing her neck....

Oopss we all know what will happen next so...a little privacy heheh😅😅

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