Revenge Gone Wrong

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Uhmm....... so hey gaizzz...... I'm back (◍•ᴗ•◍)

No one's POV

The fresh air made her long, curly hair fly through the air, this is the day where the person she loves is finally getting married -

Although with another woman, but atleast he found his happiness with that girl.

Lesley's POV

"Hey Les! Wake up! today is your wedding day!"

Ok, this is another shit ruining my sleep, well I just have to play with the beat.....

"What time is it beatrix?" I said while pretending to care about the wedding.

"Its time for you to get ready because its almost time!"

"Well, wanna know the truth trixie?"

"I told you not to call me with that name, and whats with the mood? I thought your happy because you finally can get your revenge!?"

"All I can say is, stop that chitichitichatchat, and get that fucking dress!"

"Weww, so now you are over reacting?"

"No I am not! I just want my show to be awesome!" I said but with a quiet tone.

"Well, what about Guini, he loves Granger and you- are going to take her happiness away from HER!"

"I know, but Th-this is a contract marriage, so dont worry, no love and they can be together whenever they want!"

"Well, Guin know this right?" She ask me with a curious face.

Oh, shit I forgot to tell her!


"Oh shit, Lesley try to contact her!" Layla said angrily

"Why are you yelling?"

"Because I cant contact her just now! What if something happen to her because of that shitty plan?!"

"Oh no... this is bad"

Guinevere's POV

What the hell is going on? Its just yesterday they were arguing and now they are getting married..... What the fuck Les, I treated you as a friend and now the love of my life is being stole by you?!

This isn't right, Granger and I are together.... Why will he hurt me? He cannot do that he love me but he chose to be with her...

HAHAH, I cant let this happen, even many bullshit comes by, mine is mine!

Granger's POV

Guin I'm sorry, its for our friend, I hope that you'll not do anything to ruin the wedding.

Lesley's POV

Miya:What the fuck! Where is she? I kept contacting her but she wouldn't answer, her phone is off.

Lesley: I-Im sorry, it's all my fault, I should have think and inform her first....

Beatrix: Its not your fault, so stop crying. If it weren't for Gus you cant do something like this.

Guinevere: Les! Please..... please... stop this non sense

Lesley: Guin where have you been?!

Guinevere: I thought you've moved on? But shit! Why are you doing this!? I thought you are a friend of mine but here we are, you are stealing my boy-

Lesley: Stop! It isn't legal, we pay someone who can play as the father, dont worry I wont steal him from you....

Guinevere: Is that true? (sob)

Miya:yep.... you just have to cooperate....

Guinevere's POV

Did she just say its a play? Oh no!.....


I am out of idea on how can I stop the wedding so maybe I need your help Gus, since I helped you on making Lesley jelous because of that wedding prank....( I told him without actually thinking)

Gusion: oh shit! Did you just say wedding!

Guinevere:yep.... and so.... are you go-

Gusion: shit thats my Lesley of course I am

Guinevere: And I think that wedding is b-because of you....

Gusion: Uhhh..... I know, so I need to right my wrong...

Back to Present

Lesley: Guin are you okay? Hey! Oh shit I'm going to be late, just follow us there....

Guinevere: Hey Les- Oh shit, where are they?

Lesley's POV

The show is starting and w- where the hell is Gus?

Flash Forward-----------

Estes: Granger do you take Lesley as your lovely wife to be?

Granger: I d-

Guinevere: Stop! Stop this wedding! This shouldn't be happening!

What is she doing didn't I tell her that this is just a play?! Urghh....

Granger: What are you doing Guin?

Unknown: She said stop this fucking wedding!

Lesley: and who are you?! A masked boy? what the fuck!

Gusion: its me Les.... Look I... I need to talk to you...

Lesley: Shut up! You.... Wh-what are you doing here? You... you said we're done..

Gusion: I didn't say that, you are the one who think widely, because of your big imagination we..... we broke up, You did not let me explain

Guinevere: I-its all my fault... Im sorry

Lesley: w... what?

Gusion: That wedding of Angela and me... was just a play! And if you let me explain that day..... we should have been happy with our lives till now!

Lesley: oh shut up! You did that for what?!

Angela: That day... He was about to propose to you, but you misunderstood...

Lesley: woah! so YOU are saying that it is MY FAULT?!

What the.....he was about to propose! But I ruined everything, hah.... shit lesley, what have you done?...


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