My idol, My husband

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I have an idol and he is Gusion. I always watch his songs, together with my bestfriends. My bestfriends are his number 1 fan. But me I just wanna hear his songs because I love to hear how he sing those kind of songs.

Miya: les, Gusion has a concert , wanna come?

Lesley: no thanks just video of his performance

Miya: but....please come with us

Layla: please

Lesley: ok but only this time ok?

Layla: yeyyy!!

Lesley: ok i'll just get ready

Miya: ok


Lesley: lets go?

Miya: oh yeahh!!

His name was so familiar for me. I think I met him before but I dont remember when...

Miya: its about to start

Lesley: ohhh....ok

Host: lets welcome GUSION PAXLEY

Lesley: holy sh*t I remember now*in mind*

Lesley: guys I have to go

Miya: stay

Lesley: but I know him

Miya: how??

Lesley: remember when I transfer into another school?

Miya: yeahh

Lesley: he is my classmate and.....

Miya: and.....?

Lesley: And he became my boyfri~~

Gusion: babe!!!

Lesley: holy sh*t I have to go, bye!!

Gusion: please block the way

Guard: sorry miss but you cant go out

Lesley: but....

Miya: just stay here, you'll be ok trust me

Lesley: no!! I wont be

Gusion: mind if I take you to the stage baby??

Lesley: holy sh*t(in mind)

Lesley: sorry but~~

Miya: she'd loved to

Layla: yeah

Gusion: lets go?

Lesley: and why Mr PAXLEY?

Gusion: here take this(handed the mic)we are just gonna sing baby

Lesley: stop calling me baby you idiot.....we are done in our relationship right?

Gusion: no, I just left because of my work

Lesley: ughhh.......after this promise me you'll stay away from me ok?

Gusion: not ok, we're married remember?

Lesley: urghhhh

Gusion: lets go

Call me baby if you need a friend
I just wanna give you love
Come on, come on, come on
Reaching baby and dont be scared

No matter where you go
You know your not alone
Im only one call away
I'll be there to save the day

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