Chapter 6

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Carol Point Of View

When I heard Alex ask if I knew anyone with medical knowledge from my team I think of Tony and Bruce but also of Shuri since she helped Bucky and also everyone injured in the battle against Thanos.

"Yeah. I can think of a few people with technology and medical knowledge. Cisco could you take me to Avenger's Tower on Nat's World and then Wakanda there as well I need to pick up three people who could help. Nat let Stark know to pack a bag and get Bruce and Shuri to as well please. This is going to be a quick trip. Tell them to let Nick know and that it is on my request to save my sister. Better yet just tell Nick to tell them and that if he wants to come then he can. Cause knowing him he will want to come and see how things turn out and make alliances with everyone."

"You got it babe. Should I tell them to be ready in 5 minutes that way you can change into your suit?"

"Yes, thanks for reminding me. I would have just left in my street clothes."

"I know that is why I said something. I just texted Fury and he said that they will be ready when we get there. He is coming along with someone from his new division named Simmons and her girlfriend Sky. He said that Simmons is a Doctor and Sky is kind of a mix between you and your sisters if what you told him is still correct."

"Which part? I told him everything I could remember before I left the first time and then the rest when I came back to help with Thanos."

"The hacker parts. And I know you did because you told me everything when we got together. But Sky is a hacker, inhuman and a field agent who was trained by Melinda so pretty much our own junior cavalry. That's not a bad nickname for her now that I think about it."

"Sure and I don't know you will have to ask them if they still hack into stuff sometimes. Remember wasn't here since I left for the air force."

"True. So, Kara and Alex do you still hack sometimes, or do you just leave it all to Winn?"



Alex looked at Kara and then at Barry. It was like he knew what to do but didn't and just shook his head no. She then looked at her soulmate who also knew of their activities and she just smiled.

"We still hack sometimes but mostly just each other when we are bored and haven't done it in a while. Each of us has a firewall that we created on our phones and whenever we both feel the need to hack, we send a text to the other to let them know and then we see who can out hack the other. We don't do anything illegal with it. Well now anyway. I am pretty sure that even the brains here could try and hack our phones to check if the wanted not that they would get much but still."


"I'm just stating the truth. Try it."

Felicity, Cisco, and even Nat tried but they all tried one a time then all together and the most they could get was a couple of contacts and a couple photos. When Gideon was asked to try, she couldn't even crack it but got more the only reason she could was because the commands were in multiple languages and there were some she didn't know.

"Ok well they are definitely still good at that. Well Alex do you want to come with me, and Nat since Kara can't at the moment. That way you can see where I have been the past couple of years. Plus you get to meet some of my friends."

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