Chapter 1

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Carol Point of View

It has been three months since the battle with Thanos and already I am getting irritated with having nothing to do. I miss my sisters but have no way of knowing where they are considering I am now on a different Earth. One my friends and girlfriend call Earth-1 but I don't know which one I came from. I came here without any memories and had to start a new life then I lost those memories as well and got powers now that I have all of my memories thanks to my friends, Fury and my girlfriend Natasha. I have been waiting until the right time to find my siblings and mom. I am looking at the stars while my girlfriend is getting ready to go to sleep, thinking about how Alex would be about my age now that I don't age as fast as I used to with my powers. And how Kara would be about the same age as I was when I left. I wonder what they do for a living and if they have each other's backs unlike they did when Kara first landed on Earth. While I was thinking Natasha came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Are you thinking about them again sweetheart? We can always ask Barry, or Cisco to try and find them if you want now that all the chaos is over."

"Yes and I think that we should. Can we do it tomorrow? And would you want to come with me when I go? I don't want to lose you like I almost did in the battle against Thanos."

Yes, we can go tomorrow and of course I am going with you Fury has already released us both from duty and said to call if we need backup. And that if anything that needs us comes up he will get in contact with us through Barry and Cisco."

"You already planned everything and found where they are didn't you? You knew I was going to want to find them."

"Yes on all accounts and of course I knew you were going to try and find them I just planned ahead and made everything work out when you asked."

"So where are they and have you or anyone from here met them? Have they been ok? What about any attacks on that Earth are they safe or in danger?" I was rambling and starting to speak in a very fast way. Natasha was just smiling for a bit and then said calmly,

"Honey calm down. They are mostly safe. They both work for the DEO. Alex full time and Kara as Supergirl. There have been a few attacks and close scares from what Barry heard from Kara and Alex when they teamed up a couple of times. Kara also works as a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media which is owed by her girlfriend Lena Luthor. and Alex lives with her fiancé Detective Maggie Sawyer. They just found out a couple of years ago that you were wiped from their minds and were asking Barry if he knew you but since no one on the team knows your last name he kept saying no. Until he saw a picture of you and said that he would look. He came to me and asked your last name. And said he might have found your siblings."

"Wow. How did they meet each other? Barry and my sisters that is."

"Barry was training his speed and landed on your Earth and Kara helped him get home the first time. The second time Barry asked for help taking down aliens here on Earth one and Kara came to help and met the gang. You were with me on mission. The last time Barry invited them to his wedding and Kara and Alex met Sara and the whole gang from Star and Central City. You were off world and I was on mission with the Avengers. Oh and they said they would be coming here tonight as in they will meet us at Star Labs tomorrow."

"Ok thanks for finding all of this out for me. You are the best girlfriend ever. I love you. Now let's go to sleep so we can get there early tomorrow. Please?"

"Of course and I love you too."

We finished getting ready for bed and went to sleep. I dreamed of meeting my sisters and introducing them to Natasha and meeting their friends and loved ones. I can't wait till I see them tomorrow and see how they have grown up without me. I feel bad but I needed to do something for myself when I first enlisted in the Army. I didn't think that it would put me on a different Earth with no memory and in my uniform and dog tags with no memory. I also didn't think it would hurt to help Dr. Lawson when testing the light speed engine. And that turned out to have the same thing happen to me except I wasn't human anymore or on a new Earth I was in Hala and a Kree. Oh well just something else I have in common with Kara, I guess. But one less thing in common with Alex. Sometimes I wish I just didn't enlist considering I never did remember how I got on this Earth. Maybe Alex and Kara will know. I will ask them tomorrow. I then went into a deep sleep and didn't think or dream again that night.

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