Chapter 10

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Alex Point of View

I don't remember the drive to Maggie and I's apartment very much just that everyone except for Yelena buckled up and that I was the one to drive. But this morning when I woke up, I had Kara in my arms with Maggie and Lena on either side of us with their arms around us in a protective embrace. Something must have happened while I was away if none of them woke up when I got into the bed and somehow got Kara to lay on top of me. I guess I will have to ask when they wake up. I stay still as I start to hear people wake up and start their day. I hear rather than see my mom open the door slightly to check if Maggie, Lena and Kara are awake but she looks a bit startled when she sees me awake and alert. I mouth to her that I will be out when they wake up and she nods her head. The next people to check on us are Carol, Natasha, and Yelena. They just wave when they see me and walk out of the room. Maggie and Lena are the next to wake up and just stay how they are when they notice that I am awake. Maggie gives me a kiss and mouths to me that Kara had a couple of nightmares while I was gone. Knowing that we need to get up and finally explain everything to our mother and friends about what has been going on the past couple of years I start to slowly rub Kara's back to wake her up while Maggie and Lena get up and get dressed for the day. Lena asks what type of clothes to wear so I just tell her athletic clothes that are somewhat comfy. Kara hugs a bit tighter when I said that so I start to tell her good morning and that I am back. She finally woke up after about three minutes of me trying to get her up. When she got up I did as well knowing that mom was probably in the kitchen with Melina cooking breakfast while the other four were drinking coffee to wake up fully before we all head to the DEO training room to talk and hang out for a while. We all walked out of the bedroom at the same time and into the kitchen the sight of everyone there was weird since we were under the impression that we would meet at the DEO was an understatement. Jo'nn, Oliver and Carol's boss Nick must have noticed the look on Kara and I's faces because next thing I know Oliver is explaining that everyone thought that with everything that we needed to talk about that our apartment would be more comfortable than the training room floor while we were talking. I finally noticed that all of the furniture had been moved and that there were multiple pillows and blankets on the floor as if we were all having a picnic. I pulled Kara, Lena and Maggie to a corner of the room and then saw Carol pull Natasha and Yelena along with a girl that seemed to be Yelena and Kara's age over to us and sat down next to us.

"Okay now that everyone is here, we should probably introduce everyone. Let's start with name, codename and which hero section or sections we are attached to if we are said hero then when we started. Sound good to everyone?" said Oliver.

After everyone agreed we all stayed quiet since no one knew who was going to go first. I looked over at Kara and then at everyone else before speaking up.

"Alex Danvers, Sentinel, I am attached to Supergirl and the DEO"

"Kara Danvers, Supergirl, 2 years ago"

3rd Person Point of View

By the time everyone was done introducing themselves it had been an hour. And we were all wondering who was going to start the story about what was going on in our lives on our earths. Mom ended up asking the important question of who was going first. We all looked at each other before everyone looked at her and then at Kara, Carol and I since it was our mother that spoke up.

"Why don't we just say an event that has happened recently that was not a team up and then you can decide which one you want to hear from the beginning until we ended up here for that hero or you could just pick a group and they will explain the same way minus the event first?"

"Okay. How about Team Arrow?"

"Alright. Sounds good since I think other than the SHEILD group I have been doing this the longest."

Oliver and his team explained everything that has happened to them from the time that Oliver was 'found' to the time that we called him. They included the team ups from their point of views and by the time they were finished Barry had decided that him and team flash would go next since Oliver and Barry's stories were connected at multiple points in the beginning of his encounters of villains. When Team flash got done, Team Legends went. The people from SHEILD and Mrs. Danvers were having a hard time believing everything that had happened but when the thought about the things that they went through or had heard of from when they helped their family in Mrs. Danvers case it all worked out that even if it doesn't sound real, it most definitely was. The SHEILD teams went next and they all had to take turns so that they could tell how they came about finding their powers or how they became a hero then had to explain the recent events of half their population disappearing and then coming back. By the time that they finished everyone had stated that they should eat before hearing from team Supergirl and finding out the reason why they were needed to help since they all thought that she was the strongest out of all of them.

When everyone was done eating, they got back into their groups and got quiet Kara looked at Alex and then said

"Where should I start? Before I came to Earth or after Carol left?"

"How about before Earth so that they can understand some of the things that happened after Carol left? And they wont be confused about why you say things a certain way."

"Okay but please help when I explain after I got here and hold me while I explain Krypton, please I know that while I talk, I will have flashbacks."

"Don't worry I am here and I will help."

After that Kara explained how Krypton was and how she got to Earth. She then explained how her life was since she had landed and everything that has happened since she has come to live with the Danvers. Alex helped in explaining what it was like for her and how she reacted to everything about Kara. When they got to where Carol had disappeared and how it had effected their relationship Carol hugged them. When they explained how the death of their friend Kenny was the reason, they were now so close other than the events that happened after Kara became Supergirl. Everyone got upset but only a few showed it. When Kara and Alex finally got to explaining how and why Kara came out as Supergirl and everything since. Alex had tensed up thinking that her mother would start to get upset with her but she didn't. When they finally got around to explaining CADMUS and why they needed everyone's help to take them down and get rid of them once and for all. Everyone had agreed and started to come up with a plan. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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