Chapter 8

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Kara Point of View

When we got back our mom was the first to come over and gave us a hug. When she let go, she asked us if we were okay. We looked at each other and then nodded. I then helped her pack a backpack for the trip. We put a computer, her phone, a couple of snacks and then a couple of my sweatshirts from college and headphones into the bag plus all of the chargers and then I took off my mom's necklace and went behind her and put it on her. I also took out a bracelet and put it on her wrist. The bracelet had my house symbol and also had a bit of tech and magic in it that would allow me to know if she was alright and had a recording of my heartbeat so that if needed, she can calm down.

"Here. When you push the button it has a recording of my heartbeat, and the necklace is so that someone I love has it. Plus my symbol so that you know I am always with you and in case you run into trouble with aliens cause you never know then they will leave you alone since my family is of high rank on Krypton if it still exists there. And if needed head there and ask for my mother or aunt and show them the necklace they will know that you are family and that anyone with you is safe."

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"Always thinking ahead

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"Always thinking ahead. And also looking out for me. I will and let me guess you also made the bracelet into an interdimensional extrapolator so that I would have a way home no matter what?"

"Maybe. But to be fair everyone else gave me that idea and I just made sure it would work and that the coordinates for when you come back are set correctly."

"Ok well let's go meet up with everyone else so that I can get back faster. Did you tell Lena what we are doing when I get back or are you going to tell her when I leave?"

"I am going to tell her when you leave and then help everyone get settled with where they are staying and what the plans are for right now. I figured that it would keep me busy and keep me from thinking too much about how you're doing. Plus I will probably rope Lena, Maggie, and Lucy into helping me that way they can help keep me distracted. Did you tell Maggie what we are doing when you get back or are you going to let her guess and then make bets on it again."

"I am going to let you tell her that way if you want them to join us then you can tell them what is going to be the plan for when I get back. But good idea and try not to worry to much. I left a couple of my sweatshirts and my jacket in your room in case you need them."

"Alright lets go."

We headed to the others and helped them get Nat's ship ready. We put their bags in the ship and then met up with everyone in the group. We gave everyone a hug and wished them luck Alex waited till last to hug me and when she got to me, she hugged me tight and then went onto the ship. I walked back into the building when the ship was no longer in my sight and went to my room here and then laid down since I still wasn't at a hundred percent and know that everyone would be helping take care of the CADMUS situation back home so that all of the aliens back home, Kal and I would be safe I would need to be at my best I changed into one of the sweatshirts Alex left me and fell asleep on my bed. I woke up to someone softly calling my name and someone rubbing circles on my back. I looked around and noticed that Lena was rubbing the circles and Maggie was calling my name. I also noticed that my mom was in the doorway looking at all of us in wonder.

"Kara are you okay now are do you want a hug from the both of us?"

"Can I have a hug please? And why did you guys come in here?"

"We came because we heard you tossing and turning when we were walking past. We noticed that you were having a nightmare and came in. Now why don't we go and see if teams Arrow and Legends are here yet. And maybe after everyone gets settled you, Maggie and I can come back in here and go to sleep alright?"

"Okay. That sounds like a good idea plus I think mom wants an explanation about earlier and what just happened as well."

They looked at the door and then back at me and nodded and helped me up and into where everyone was hanging out waiting for all of us. I noticed that they left one of the couches open and headed towards it with Maggie and Lena on either side of me and my mom following behind us. When we got to the couch we sat down, and I laid my head on Maggie's lap and curled up on the couch Lena moved closer to Maggie and just put me on her lap. All the while everyone was still talking to each other, and my mom was just staring at us like it wasn't right that they were doing this to help me when Alex isn't here.

"Please mom just ask your questions because I cannot handle the staring right now."

"Ok. Why is Maggie and Lena acting like they are with you right now and what did they mean earlier when they would both go back to your room with you when you go to bed, I understand Lena going but not Maggie?"

"Maggie helps me when I get nightmares when Alex is busy or isn't available. Alex taught her all of the tricks that she uses to calm me down and to get me to open up about anything. Plus it helps that she almost always smells like Alex since they are almost always together. Lena is still learning all of the tricks and they don't always work so Maggie helps when I can't tell what is real and what isn't. Everyone in this room has their own tricks to help me but Maggie and Alex are the only ones who know all of them right now. It was the first thing that Maggie learned when she found out who I was and since Lena just learned who I am she is still learning. As for why they said that they would both go is because if I have a nightmare, they can calm me the fastest out of everyone. And usually them working together they take roughly the same amount of time that Alex would take to calm me down. Anything else?"

"Yes. But it can wait till Alex gets back since it also includes her. Now I am going to go to bed goodnight, everyone."


After that everyone went back to what they were doing and slowly everyone was heading to a room to go to sleep until the morning when hopefully Alex would be back.

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