Chapter 9

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Maggie Point of View

Lena and I knew that Kara would have at least one nightmare tonight since we had to wake her up from her nap and after explaining to her mother about why Lena and I would be sharing a bed with her tonight. Not to mention how we are the only ones to be able to calm her down when Alex is unable to. While she was talking to her mother Lena and I noticed how she didn't even notice when everyone stopped talking to each other when she was explaining. Lena and I gave them a look telling them to ask about it later and when Eliza went to bed everyone else made their way to their respective rooms for the night. Thinking that she would need to be surrounded by more than just the hoodie that I have on of Alex's.

"Hey Kara, why don't we all go to Alex and I's apartment for the night? That way Alex can find you when she gets back knowing that you would be where you would feel safe and in control until you get back."

"Sure, but can we fly there. I can carry both of you so that it won't take that long." Kara replied.

"Yeah. How about Lena goes and packs a bag for tomorrow morning and then we will take off?"

"Ok." Kara said.

While Lena went to pack an overnight bag I kept running my hand through Kara's hair to keep her calm. I noticed how she has been tensed ever since she woke up from her nap. I decide to just ask her about it when Alex gets back in the morning just in case Lena and I won't be able to calm her down by ourselves. When Lena came back to the living room with a backpack on her shoulders, I knew that she would be on Kara's back so that she felt safe while in the air since she was scared of heights. That meant that I would be in Kara's arms while she was flying. I looked down at Kara and noticed that she didn't realize that Lena had come back in the room. I lightly tapped her on her side and then when she looked at me, I nodded my head towards Lena. She got up and changed into her super suit. I put my jacket on and my hair into a pony tail while Lena had already done the same thing while she had packed their bag and climbed on Kara's back. Kara waited until I nodded my head to pick me up and fly out of her apartment to Alex and I's. Knowing Alex like I do, I know that she would have left our balcony door open for us when she left. When we arrived, Kara landed and then carried us to the bedroom. When we got there, she set me down and let Lena get off her back before going to the closet and grabbed a set of Alex's sweatpants and a hoodie and changed into them before going to our bed and lying down in the middle of the bed waiting for Lena and I to get changed into our pajamas and join her. When I laid down, she put her head on my chest where she could clearly hear my heartbeat. Lena got in behind her and wrapped her arms around Kara knowing that when she would have a nightmare Kara would need the comfort of both my heartbeat and the warmth of a loved one holding her. We slowly fell asleep after laying in the same position for around an hour.

Alex Point of View

When we got back from the island we went straight to my apartment. I packed my bag and spent a bit of time with Kara. After about two hours we decided to go back to the DEO so that I could leave with Carol and Natasha. When we got there, we gave each other a hug before she left so that it might be easier for me to leave without one of us having a panic attack. I walked over to Carol, Natasha and Cisco and told them I was ready. Cisco opened up a portal and we walked through knowing that when we were ready, we could just call and he would open another so that we could get back. When we stepped through, I noticed a man that had an eyepatch and trench coat on was waiting for us along with who could be described as a couple agents of the agency that Natasha told us about and a few people who looked like the people Natasha said was her team.

"Welcome back Carol and Agent Romanoff. Hope you finally found what you were looking for. I took the liberty of gathering your team and a couple of others to help you with what you were asking about." Said the man.

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