Chapter 4

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Kara Point of View

When we got done talking we asked Cisco to drop us off at my apartment so that the DEO doesn't shoot Carol and lock her up before we get a chance to tell J'onn what is going on since we just told him that we had some family stuff going on at the moment. When we got to my apartment Carol looked around and smiled.

"You have changed so much and yet this is all familiar as well. Does mom still live in the same house that we grew up in? And why haven't you all mentioned dad since I've been here?"

"Yeah I have changed a bit but keep it somewhat the same because you helped me with setting up my room when I first came so I kept a lot of that and just made it more adult like. Mom still lives in the same house and always watches the door every night around sunset waiting for you and as for Jeremiah well that is part of our story to tell when we get back."

"I'm not going to like the answer, am I?"

"No. Most likely not, but again story for when we get back cause even Barry and Iris don't know most of what has gone on let alone what is going on?"

"Alright let's go because I want to see mom and hear this story."

Alex jumped on Carols back and held on since she didn't have a cape. Carol flared up her powers and activated her helmet which I noticed looked like something that Alex would want to wear when in the field. We took off and headed to mom's house to get her. It took us about an hour to get there since we took our time instead of racing their because we had Alex on Carols back. When we got there, we hid Carol and I knocked on the door. When mom opened the door, she smiled when she saw me and Alex.

"Hello girls, is something wrong or something happen like last time where you need to just reset your minds with a night's rest in your bedroom?"

"Hey mom. We actually have a surprise for you so why don't you come out and sit on the porch while Kara or I go get your surprise."

"Kara you stay with me and let Alex get it. And alright but what is with the surprise it's not my birthday, Mother's Day or Christmas so what's the occasion."

"No occasion just someone finally found us after a while of looking and wanted to see you again before we fully catch up on all of our lives."

Alex went to get Carol and when she stepped out into the open and mom saw her, she jumped up and ran to Carol to give her a hug.

Carol Point of View

When I saw mom open the door I just wanted to run and hug her but I know that Kara and Alex want to explain a little bit so when Alex came to get me I came out slowly so that she didn't notice me right away. When she finally noticed she ran at me and jumped on me. I am glad that I have the strength and balance of a Kree right now otherwise I probably would be on the ground and with a broken arm or something.

"Uh Mom can you get down. I may have been away a while and be different, but we need to get back to Earth-1 so that we can all explain what has be happening. And don't worry you are coming with. I just need you to get on my back so we can fly back to Kara's so Cisco can pick us up."

I had to mention that she was coming with cause she gave me a look that said you aren't moving from my sights again. And I knew not to argue with mom. She finally got down and moved to my back before holding on like Alex did. While this was happening Kara and Alex walked a bit away and were talking.

"I am taking Alex to the DEO real fast but will meet you at the apartment. I need to help someone real fast and Alex is going to tell J'onn about you Carol so that when you and Nat come to stay or something that they don't shoot you out of the sky."

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