Chapter Eleven

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Remus and I went back to our dorms and got some sleep, so that we could get up early in the morning and have breakfast. We planned to get up at five and head down to eat. The next day was a Saturday; Hogsmeade. We rescheduled our Doctor Who weekend for another time, the next Saturday, because this was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year, and we were going to go together. James was probably going to try and get Lily to go with him, and Sirius and Deirdre were probably going to head to Zonkos. As far as I knew, they were not together, just friends. But, knowing Sirius, he could change that at any second. 

Remus told me that he would plan the entire thing out. I only knew that we would be heading to the Shrieking Shack for the laugh, and possibly Madam Puddifoot's tea shop. Remus was probably going to try and go over the top to make me forgive him- when I already forgave him- and he would take me everywhere, even though it was totally unnecessary.  It would be nice to spend time with him, though. 

I went to sleep and dreamt of the ghosts. There were no longer nightmares about them- I had found peace. I had found happiness. I was having good dreams about my friends, the ghosts, not nightmares about the entities ruining my life. It was nice. 

When I woke up, the sun was bright and the sky was light. I couldn't wait to go. I hurried and put on a black dress that I owned, and curled the tips of my black hair  lightly. I put on my usual amount of eyeliner and lipstick. I looked in the mirror- I wish I wasn't so pale- and looked into my hazel eyes. They were familiar. I wished that they were green, like Isadora's or Lily's. I studied my eyes, and wished with all of my heart. I looked and looked, thinking of how much prettier I would be with green eyes. And then they changed. 

I screamed. My eyes had changed colors. They were now a luminous green that rivaled my friend's. I looked in the morror again to check and make sure that I wasn't hallucinating. I wasn't. My eyes were as green as a blade of grass. I sighed. I hadn't done any magic. I made a mental note to ask Remus about this. 

I didn't care that I was going to be late for meeting Remus. I looked at my hair. Could I change it, as well? I looked at it and imagined it red. I closed my eyes and opened them- long red hair, looking like shining rubies underneath the lamp. What about my face? I closed my eyes... and I was Lily.

I panicked and changed my hair and face back. I decided to keep my eyes, though. I liked my green eyes. I thought that they might work with a pretty bluish-green. 

"Hey, Remus." I smiled as I walked down the stairs. Remus was already there. He stood up and smiled. 

"Ashlyn. Want  a bagel?" he asked, and I snatched the cream cheese covered bagel from his hands. He smiled and looped his arm into mine. He snatched a bagel from the table as we headed out of the Great Hall to go to Hogsmeade. I saw Deirdre and SIrius heading to Hogsmeade, and Kayla and James were talking by the castle. I didn't know what was going on with them, but I would talk to James about them. 

We got in the carriage and he told me the plan. "We're going to the tea shop, and then the Three Broomsticks, then the Shrieking Shack, and then we'll spend the rest of the time at the bookstore, sound good?"

"Sounds perfect, Remus. You know, I would be okay with nothing, as long as I'm with you."

"Too bad, we're going." Remus laughed. He looked at me. "Your eyes. They're different. They're green." I had almost forgotten about the question that I meant to ask him,

"Oh, yeah. I need to ask you about that. This morning I was getting ready and my eyes changed color, and then my hair, and I was even able to change my face. What's wrong with me? Look-" I attempted to change my hair to brown, but instead it went to a bright platinum blond. He looked at me surprisedly.

"I think that you have just gained an extraordinary power, Ashlyn. I think that you have just discovered your metamorphagus powers."

"Really?" I gasped. I was a metamorhpagus! "Im a metamorphagus werewolf dating a werewolf who can talk to the dead. Fun."

"And Ashlyn, I think that you should come up with a nickname. You know, be a part of the Marauders. James and Sirius agree. You can't be Moonette for much longer. Its a crap name." Remus said. I thought about it. 

"I want it to mean something. I like to think of myself as a martyr for the cause of werewolves. I could be Cosmo...or Abel.... No. I know. There's this ancient Greek name of a martyr. Its Nymphodora. But, I want to change around the letters. What about... Nymphadora? Yeah, that's perfect. My Marauder name is Nymph." I finalized. It was perfect .

I looked in a window as we passed it. I decided to change my hair to a short pink. I decided that it looked really, really good. 

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