Chapter Twelve

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"Pink is your color now? Ash, I like your hair black. And your eyes hazel. I don't want you to change a thing about you." Remus told me as he took a strand of my pink hair and twisted it around. "You know what I noticed? You look a lot like James."

"Is that why you're so attracted to me? I always knew that you had a thing for James. It all makes sense now." I teased him. He just looked at me silently, daring me to continue. "Remus, don't piss off a girl four days before full moon." I joked.

"Same goes for you, Nymph. Remember, I was one first." He smiled, and I sensed that I was the only person that he had ever joked about his condition with.  I was cool with that.  I would never joke about it in his position, having to have dealt with it for a good ten years. He was so muh stronger than I, and I loved him for that. Well, there were many things that I loved about him, like his hair, and his laugh, and... basically everything. He was a perfect, beautiful man, and I was the polar opposite. I had no idea what he saw in me (except maybe that I reminded him of his man crush James Potter). 

"I want an alias. I want to go by something, be someone that's not Ashlyn Cooper. I don't like being Ashlyn Cooper. I want to be someone else."I said as I changed my hair back to black and my eyes back to hazel. I remembered my eyes and compared them to James's; they were similar. There was no doubt that we were related. I never knew my mom-- she died at an early age-- but I knew that my fatgher had been a pureblood. I was aware that James's family was purely pureblood, and that means taht wea re related. All pureblood families are related somehow. Maybe James and I were  close cousins or something. I would have to see with James about that, because that would be super cool. 

"Did you have any close family friends? You could use the Nymphadora, and then take theoir last name." Remus suggested. Brilliant! I only had one group of people that I liked, but they worked against my father, so I could only hope that they didn't see me as my father. 

"Yeah, actually. The Tonks', Darrell and Caren. They had a son named Ted. Ted would have to be about ten years older than me. That has a nice ring to it, Nymphadora Tonks. I would proabably only use my surname, though. So I'm Nymph Tonks!" I shouted. I looked down. That was a little too loud, probably. 

"I like that. But, we won't use that unless we need it. You're just Ashlyn Nymphadora Cooper for now." Remus said. I smiled. 

"It really does sound cool. I might get my name legally changed."

"Nymph, let's go. Tea shop." He grabbed my hand and helped me off of the carriage. We walked to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. We got a table and talked for what seemed like an eternity, and then we trekked to the Shrieking Shack. Everybody there was very disappointed, as there were no moanings or screamings. Remus was the cause of the sounds once a month, and last month I contributed. Remus and I. as a joke, howled. Everybody turned to look; one of the girls walking around us noted how much we sounded like the ghosts. We had to laugh. At the Three Broomsticks we saw Sirius and James chugging down butterbeer, with several empty glasses each. We backed out slowly and silently, hoping that they wouldn't see us. And then we went to the book store. They had to kick us out of the bookstore when it closed, but they were a bit lenient because we ad just spent so much money there. We had bought at least a hundred Galleons worth of books. After that, we sat and read most of them. 

"Okay, Nymph, shall we tell Padfoot and Prongs the good news about your name?" Remus said. I nodded.

"It sounds like we're telling them about our marriage. Its not a big deal, I have a Marauder name!" I shouted. I heard footsteps behind me.

"What, are you two getting married?" Sirius called out to me. I smiled and shook my head. 

"No, I have a Marauder name." I stated as I looked into Sirius's eyes. I realized that we were related as well. Sirius and I were practically first cousins. Cool. 

"Well, Moonette, what is it?" James inquired. 

"Its Nymphadora. I even have a last name; my new name is Nymphadora Tonks. But you can call me Nymph."

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