Chapter Three

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Defense against the Dark Arts class. My worst class. I couldn't perfect it for crap. I would have captured a Night Fury before mastering Defense Against the Dark Arts. I scrunched up my nose as I wrote down what Professor Dean was saying, about a spell called "Riddikulus". It was meant to get rid of boggarts, which were creatures that displayed what the person in front of them was most afraid of, according to the professor. I looked toward the Marauders- Sirius was dozing off, James was staring creepily at Lily, and Remus was taking notes quickly, looking as if he was digesting every word. I looked down. I enjoyed Defense Against the Dark Arts, but like I said, I was crap at it.

"All right, class. Line up, we're going to be testing the spell with a boggart that Professor Dumbledore found in a closet. First in line, come on..." Professor Dean yelled. I sighed. I was stuck third in line.

The first was Sirius. He stood up straight, obviously awaiting what was coming. Professor Dean opened the closet door and let the brown mass out. It immediately changed into a motorcycle, the front crashed in and him inside, his face messed up, his hair falling out, blood dripping from his nose...

"Riddikulus! " he yelled. Nothing happened. Again, he yelled "Riddikulus! " The motorcycle changed into Severus. That was enough to make him crack olup so hard that he doubled over. Professor Dean rolled his eyes and ushered him away. Then it was Lily.

Lily's boggart immediately turned into Severus dead ; then her sister Petunia, and her mother and father, and then me. She yelled, "Riddikulus!" and it changed to a pug dog. I broke a smile, but then realized that I was next. Professor Dean congratulated Lily with ten points to Gryffindor. He gestured for me to come forward. I gulped and got my wand ready. I had no idea what my boggart would be. Well, I take that back, I had a slight idea. But how would my issue display?

The pug looked up at me and stuck its tongue out. Then, very slowly, it turned into a black mass, and then it began to take shape. It was a female figure. Isadora. She was screaming, but no noise came out. Tears were rolling down her cheek, and she was still dripping, as she always was. I took a sharp intake of breath and closed my eyes. I thought of something funny, I tried. I pointed my wand and yelled "Riddikulus!". Nothing. "Riddikulus! Riddikulus! Riddikulus! " Still nothing. Isadora was still screaming, the other students were looking at me, and I was going hoarse from trying to complete this spell. After a minute, Professor Dean stepped in front of me and said "Riddikulus" under his breath. It worked immediately. I ran out of the classroom and began walking toward the Ravenclaw common room.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I sped up, hoping yo loose them, but I failed. I felt somebody grab my shoulder and turn me around harshly. I was looking into the caramel eyes of Remus Lupin. I looked at him expectantly, the same way that I had Sirius.

"You okay, Ashlyn?" Remus asked. I looked down and nodded sheepishly.

"I'm alright. Why? Why do you care about me? " I asked.

"Because you're a lot like me. I think that I understand you. And... if you decided to forgive me for the last five years of letting my friends put Severus through hell, I think that you might understand me."

"You're dead." I said. He sounded like a dead person, clinging to me for help, their last hope. He looked at me curiously, but I just shook my head. It wasn't worth explaining.

"Look, Remus, you can go if you want. If somebody sees you talking to me, you'll be outcasted forever, and I cant do that to you, Remus."

"Its okay, Ashlyn. I don't think I care, it would be worth it. Can... can we talk? Or do you still hate me? " Remus asked genuinely.

"I will if you want to." I said with an emotionless expression.

"So, how 'bout we go to the Gryffindor common room? I want to get to know you." He said. I shrugged and followed behind him. We walked across the castle to a portrait of a fat lady.

"Baubles." Remus said and the portrait swung open. She didn't notice the puny Ravenclaw coming in.

"Come sit down." He said, patting next to him on the red couch. I obliged. He smiled in my direction and surprisingly, I smiled back. I don't know if I was actually happy or if I was just being polite and returning it.

"Ashlyn, I really do want to know you. But, if you don't want to know me, then you don't have to."

"Remus, I don't know why I'm saying this, but I actually kind of trust you, a little bit."

"That's all that I wanted to hear. So, is it to early to know what your special issue is? Or is that too personal? I don't want to invade your privacy...."

"Actually, yes, that is a bit too personal. I don't trust you that much."

"I want to get us to that point, Ashlyn. One day, I want you to be able to pour your heart, soul, and secrets into me. I want to know everything about you. I want to be there for you, because you haven't had anybody for the last five years. The two people who were loyal to you ware followed by us, so they couldn't always be there for you. Do you think that you will be able to trust me one day? "

"Yes. One day."

"Ashlyn, do you want some lessons in Defense Against the Dark Arts? I am rather good at it - and if you wouldn't mind, I could use help in Potions... and Charms... and History of Magic, now that I think about it... and -"

"Sure, Remus. You help ne in that class and I can help you with whatever you need help with, whenever you need help. Just make sure that Sirius and James and Peter don't tag along, otherwise I wont help you."

"Thank you, Ashlyn. I'll be visiting you in the Ravenclaw tower - tell that eagle knocker that the riddles are geting easier and easier."

I looked at him quizzically. "Um... I guess? Do you go into the common room often? "

"Nope. Never been in there, actually. I just stop by to hear the questions. I'm always able to answer them. Well, I have best be going. See you... tommorow at six? I'll meet you outside the Fat Lady. "

"Sounds like a date." I smiled as we left. As I said that, Sirius and James passed by. They gaped at Remus, elbowing him in the ribs and poking his cheek. I rolled my eyes, smiled at Remus, waved goodbye, and went to my common room. That day was one of the best of my life.

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