Chapter 10

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I never wanted to leave. I wanted to die right there, in his arms, our hearts beatings as one, apologies for all wrongdoings being encompassed in this moment. But everything had to come to an end.

"I'm so sorry." Remus sighed as he pulled back. I cursed under my breath.

"Don't be. I absolutely understand. It would be like if I saw Lily kissing you. It would kill me." I smiled.

"Listen, Ashlyn, I love you. More than anything." He said, and I knew he meant it.

"Remus, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Even if its only been two weeks. You were my fourth friend, ever. Do you even realize?"

"I think so. I hope so."

"But, Remus, there's something I need to tell you. I don't think that you'd believe me if I just came out and told you, so I know what to do. Was there anybody close to you that died? Who, possibly, could have been afraid of death?" I asked, trying my hardest to be nonchalant.

"I guess..." he trailed off.

"Who? I can see your cogs working. There's two, wasn't there?"

"Yeah, actually. Clever you." He said sadly, tapping my nose playfully. "One was one of Sirius's old girlfriends. We actually became friends. Her name was Clara; she died at her house a few summers ago. And then... and then there was my cousin. She was my best friend. She came to Hogwarts, for her fourth year. I wasn't at Hogwarts yet, nor was I a werewolf. I was normal. The way that I wish you, we, could have remained. Izza drowned in the Black Lake."

My eyes widened. "Izza? Would that happen to be short for Isadora?"

"Yes, actually. How did-"

"Remus, your cousin is still here. Isadora is still here. She's my best friend."

"Wha-what? What are you talking about, Ashlyn?"

"Isadora. Shes fourteen. Her eyes are bright green; they look a lot like Lily Evan's. Her hair is long and brown and curly. Shes optimistic. And stubborn. Overly indefatigable. She was a Hufflepuff, and took absolutely no pride in it. She yearned for a Gryffindor seat. The reason she drowned was because she was trying to grab the attention of a Gryffindor boy. She fell over and into the water. Never came up." I gasped, holding back tears.

"How do you know this?"

"Because I can see her. I can see dead people. Everywhere. But not since we met."

"So... you can see, and communicate, with Isadora?" He asked suspiciously.

"Yes. Remus, would I lie to you?" I pleaded. I looked up into his eyes, the caramel sinking into mine. Tears clouded his eyes, and they threatened to burst out soon. I could not say mine were very clear either. Our eyes were locked for a good minute before he leaned in and kissed me, a confirmation that he either believed me or wanted to believe me. Both were good. For the second time that night, I fell into a rut that I didn't want to abandon.

Suddenly Isadora appeared between us. I screamed and fell back - Remus perked up, looking dazed, wondering why I ended the kiss so suddenly, hastily.

"Isa!" I cried desperately.

"What? Is she here?" Remus whispered.

"Yes, Rem, she decided to mess with our kiss. Thanks, Isadora." Isa smiled, knowing she had messed with me good.

"Tell her I said hi." He pleaded.

"She can hear you." I stated.

"Oh... well ...hi, Izza."

"Remmy!" She yelled, only just realizing that it was Remus whom I had been with. She ran to try to hug him, only to run right through him.

"She tried to hug you, but failed. Listen, Isa, where have you been?"

"Oh, out and about. I saw you had a boyfriend, so I figured I'd be on the backburner. I didn't know it was Remmy, though! God, he's gotten so big and handsome, the last time I saw him he was still walking around shirtless, sporting only underwear-"

"Blah blah blah, I cant hear you!" I laughed, covering my ears.

"What?" Remus asked.

"Oh, Isadora is recalling images from your toddler years. I don't think you'd want her telling me about how you ran around shirtless-"

"And carrying around a Sonic Screwdriver, pretending to be the Doctor!" She laughed.

"Yes, and pretending to be Doctor Who."

"His name is not Doctor Who! His name is The Doctor!" Remus yelled at me. I laughed. He had never yelled at me before, and the first time happened to be about a sci fi show.

"You know what? Tomorrow is a weekend. I'm gonna hang out in your dorm. We'll gather Sirius and James and Peter and we'll all watch Doctor Who. We got a deal?" I asked.

"Yes, we do." He smiled. God, his smile was perfect. We sunk into another kiss, while I saw Isa fade away. I wasn't worried, though. I knew she'd be back. She wouldn't pass up an opportunity to tease Remus about Doctor Who.

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