- all aboard -

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The day was sunny with a breeze, the saltiness of the ocean was apparent from the moment I stepped out of the car. There we were, all seven of us. Mom, Dad, me and four siblings. As I stood in the parking lot of the port, I was astonished by the looks of the ship. It was huge, bigger than any cruise I've ever seen. Not only did it look like something for royalty, my family was being treated like royalty. From the moment we stepped out of our car, staff helped us unload our suitcases, bringing them up to the entrance of the port.

As I admired the ship, I felt a light tap on the shoulder. I quickly turned around to see my 15 year old sister, Amy. Shes the second oldest, making me the oldest. I'm probably the closest to her too. We have the same sense of humor, play fighting, and just making fun of the rest of the family. We like to call ourselves the elite members of the family. Playing pranks on our family is our favorite thing to do together, especially to our 14 year old sister, Zuri. She gets so angry at our jokes, it's hilarious. Zuri is the moody one of us siblings. Shes basically in her mid-puberty crisis. She gets sensitive about everything, and is always in a bad mood. We don't mind though, makes our trolls even funnier.

"Zak, come on, what are you waiting for? Were ready to go inside to get checked in!" Amy shouted at me, in her joking tone of course. "I'm coming, calm down Amy!" I shouted back at her. I took one last glance before turning around and walking into the port with my family, never realizing these 2 weeks were going to change the rest of my life.

From the moment we stepped into the port entrance, I knew the years of hard work and saving up money would be worth it. I knew right then and there that this vacation will be the best one my family has ever had.


After about two hours of going through security, checking in, and waiting for what felt like an eternity to board the ship, we were ready to board. When our boarding number got called, all of us were ecstatic, racing over to the boarding entrance to get in line to board the so called "ship of dreams".


As we entered the ship, everything looked incredible. It seemed like something that royalty would live in. My family of 7 was definitely not royalty, but lucky enough to be on this ship for two weeks

two weeks

The best two weeks of my life.

But I don't know that yet.


The night went amazingly, dinner was delicious, and I loved all the time I was getting to spend with my family. It was about midnight now, and my family went to our rooms, we had to get two rooms, since my family is too big to fit us all in one. I wasn't tired though, since my sleeping schedule has been wack since I started online college. Since I'm not in person for school, I don't have to go to bed early, so my sleeping schedule has kind of changed into going to bed at 4am, and waking up at around 12-1pm. My family doesn't mind though, they have always been supportive of me, no matter what, thats what I love about them.

I was wandering around the top deck of the the ship, looking at the lit pool with no one in it, the huge waterslides that have been closed for hours, and the empty food stands. Only a select few people were on the top deck, mostly teen couples making out by the railing, with the quiet waves giving them some background noise for their special moment. Oh to be like them. I've likes a few girls, not really though, honestly I haven't had much of a love life. I don't know why either. Most girls at school find me attractive, maybe its my long raven black hair, or the fact that I'm so athletic, playing baseball and soccer throughout high school. I don't know though. I think some of them are pretty, and some of them have pretty attractive bodies, but I never asked a girl on a date, or wanted to hook up with them. Maybe I like boys.


Do I like boys?

That thought quickly left my mind when I ran into someone, I guess my thoughts made me zone out, and I was just walking aimlessly around the deck. I must have looked wasted, walking around with no purpose in mind.

"Hey watch where you're goi-" I spit out before realizing I was the one who bumped into the man. He quickly turned to me, placing his hands on my shoulders so I didn't stumble over. Obviously I did look drunk since he did that.
"Sorry muffin!" He said to me in a sweet tone.

Oh his voice was sweet.

The tone made me happy.

"Oh don't worry, it was my bad" I said while opening my eyes, when I opened them, I realized I was staring right into his chest, we were closer than I thought and he was taller than I thought. I quickly turned my head up to him, he was about 4-5 inches taller than me. The first thing I noticed were his eyes.

Those eyes.

They were so bright, even in the dark sky.

Bright green, like emeralds.

"Muffin?" He giggled. Realizing that I was staring at him for way too long, I shook my head, my cheeks turning a bit pink.
"S-Sorry. Zoned out for a second" I laughed nervously. You could always tell when I was nervous, or lying. I guess this was one of those times.
"Don't stress on it muffin!" He let go on my shoulders, leaving us close, but the touch was gone.


His voice.

Those eyes.

His wavy light brown hair, which compliments his black and red hoodie perfectly.

I did another nervous laugh, he looked at me with a bit of a confused look, making the whole situation more awkward.
"I'm Zak." I said in a shyly tone.
"Darryl!" He said while giggling.
He was so happy, always giggling and smiling. Well, we are on the ship of dreams. For the next few seconds we just looked at each other, looking at all of our physical features. I was looking at his cheekbones, and those soft pink lips.

He's gorgeous.

I don't know what he was thinking about, but I'm guessing he was looking at my long hair that covers some of my eyes. Or maybe my light blue hoodie that covers my hands. But the silence was quickly broken when we realized that it started raining, no, pouring.
"Come on, lets get under something." He whispered, grabbing my hand and leading us to to the the food area, where it was covered so we wouldn't get wet. I was already shivering though. And the sea breeze wasn't making my cold state any better. He noticed my shivering, I think he's pretty observant.
"Oh you poor thing." He said in a calming voice, his tone was low. Before I could even comprehend what he was saying, his arms were around me, pulling me close to his chest, in an attempt to keep me warm. I was surprised, but I didn't mind. Leaning into him quickly, laying my head on his chest. The silence was back, but it wasn't awkward, the pouring rain was giving us background noise as we just sat there, hugging, hoping the rain will stop so we can get to the elevators to go back to our rooms.

Well, that's what he probably was waiting for. I was hoping his touch lasted forever. I may just be touch starved, or I liked his touch. Weird huh?

{First chapter that I've ever written, so sorry if it isn't the best. The upcoming chapters will hopefully be better, I will be trying to get the next chapter out asap)

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