- day 1 -

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I woke up to the curtains in my room being opened. In an attempt to escape the light, I turned over, digging my face into the pillow.
"Get up!" Amy shouted at me, throwing a pillow onto my back. Eventually, I sat up and groaned, only to see my sisters Zuri and Amy in their bathing suits, ready to go up to the pool.
"What time is it?" I said in an exhausted tone.
"It's 12pm, you got back to the room at like 4am for some reason" Zuri told me, she seemed a bit annoyed. My parents wont let my siblings wander around the cruise alone, which makes sense.
"Can you take us to the pool?" Amy asked me.
"Yeah yeah whatever" I quickly got up and threw my light blue sweatshirt on, which is now dry from last night.

Last night.

What happened last night?

Why can't I remember anything?

Anything but him.

I quickly came back to reality when I got another pillow thrown at me and my two sisters laughing.
"Come onnn!" Amy whined. They were obviously getting impatient. So I grabbed my phone and walked out with them and up to the top deck.


While I was sitting on a lounge chair, watching my siblings to make sure nothing happens. He came back on my mind.


His eyes.

He's gorgeous.

Why was he on my mind so much? All he did was help me get out of the rain. It's not like I'll ever see him again.

Or will I?

I really need to stop thinking about him.  I'm not gay. I don't like boys.

Do I?

My thoughts quickly left my mind when I saw him again. He was in line waiting to get some lunch. He was wearing a red floral bathing suit with a tight black shirt. The shirt showed off his muscles. His hair was a bit messy, the waves in his hair made him look even-

Even what?

Why would I think that?

Whatever. I think I stared at him for too long because when he turned to leave the line with his food, he noticed me. Noticed me staring at everything, his body, his hair, his facial features. And now he's walking over to me.

Wait he's walking over??

Now he's here. Standing in front of me. I looked up at him, squinting to avoid the sun in my eyes.
"Hi Muffin!" He spoke in his happy tone. Without any warning. He sat right next to me and started eating his sandwich. I sat up so I didn't have to look up to him all the time and watched him eat, not really knowing what to say.
"I thought I wasn't going to see you again, how did you sleep?" He questioned, putting his hand on my shoulder, pushing me closer to him.

His touch is back.

I love his touch.


We talked for a while, about our families, what we liked to do. Eventually my siblings went off with the rest of my family for dinner, and I stayed with Darryl. We were still sitting next to each other, close together, his arm around my shoulder. I didn't think anything weird about it, I just thought he was being friendly.

As we talked, the sun was going down, and people were leaving the deck, leaving us pretty much alone again, besides the horny teenagers.

"Come on, lets go watch the sun go down!" Darryl suggested, he stood up and grabbed my hand, and started to lead me to the front on the boat.
"Where are we going?" I laughed. He was acting so c-

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