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Ginny's pov
The energy in the classroom is the worst. It always felt as if someone had died every time you would walk in. I see some people whine in pain and others just staring blankly at the floor. I felt as if a dementor had fed on all my happy memories and now I'm left with sad ones. That was until Y/n walked in and sat next to me.

Every time I was around them during this class I felt the happiest. But Umbridge obviously doesn't like that so she tries her best to make me miserable. Which never works since I have Y/n by my side at all times.

Class started and Umbridge started another life lesson. Which has nothing to do with what we're supposed to be learning.

"You must respect me the same way I respect you" she says with the pettiest smile ever. I laugh quietly with Y/n because Umbridge definitely isn't respectful.

"Is something funny Miss Weasley?" she turns her attention straight at me. I straighten myself up and prepared myself for my response.

"Yes actually" I say with confidence.

"Would you like to share it with the class?" she raised an eyebrow at me and I get up from my seat.

"I think it's funny how you want us to respect you when you torture us. Not to mention the fact that you don't even teach anything. We just have to listen to you babbling on about respect all day" I roll my eyes at her and she gives me an angry face. I can tell my words got to her by how quiet she got.

"Well what would you like to learn then?" she crossed her arms as she looks at me.

"Hmm I don't know how about...spells that we can use to defend ourselves when we're in danger?!" she was going to respond but just chose not to. Instead she turned back around and for once she actually started to teach.

Y/n looks over at me and gives me a high five as she smiles. I wink at her and then paid attention to the lesson.

Back to your pov
What Ginny did was hilarious and finally Umbridge was teaching for once. After you congratulated Ginny for what she did. You took notes about what Umbridge was teaching. She made us line up to try out some spells which was pretty fun.

You could tell that she hated the fact that you were having fun but you didn't care. Class was finally over and you walked with Ginny to the Great Hall while talking about class. You saw Harry running towards Ginny and giving her a big hug. You were confused for a second until she kissed him on the lips.

You just stood there frozen and not knowing what to do. You felt someone link their arm with yours and walk you to your table. You finally snap out of whatever you were and saw that it was Luna who took you to the table.

"What's wrong Y/n? You look like you've seen a Thestral" she laughs a little but still looks worried for you.

You want to tell her what's wrong but you can't say it in front of everyone else at the table. So you grab on to her arm and lead her out of the Great Hall. She looked confused but then relaxed and just let you lead her to wherever you are taking her. When you make it to an empty corridor you look around to make sure no one is around.

When you think the coast is clear you look back at her. She was just patiently waiting for you to start talking. You took a deep breath in and then out before you started talking.

"I fancy Ginny- no cross that I'm in love with her but she's with Harry now I guess" she rubs your back trying to comfort you before she starts to talk.

"And what makes you think she's with Harry? The kiss could've been a dare maybe..." she said trying to make things better.

But that kiss didn't seem like a dare especially how Harry ran up to her. You were going to tell her that but instead you just hugged her tightly. You wanted to just be home with Remus, Tonks, and Sirius. They always make you feel better just by being around you.

Like how Remus would give you chocolate while he told you stories. Sometimes Sirius would bump in saying an inappropriate joke and Remus would yell at him. While Tonks would just sit there laughing with you. They argue like a married couple.

"Yeah maybe. I just need to take a nap that will make me feel better" she nods and takes you to your house.

"Do you want to miss the rest of your classes?" she asked as you lay down on your bed. You nod and she leaves the room while smiling sweetly at you.

I love you Ginny Weasley... (Ginny Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now