𝕥𝕪𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕪...𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪!

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"Fred put me down!" you yell at him as you hit his back as hard as you can.

He finally puts you down and just laughs at you. You give him a dirty look and he stops laughing. He kind of looks sad now as he looks into your eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry that Ginny is with Harry. She's kind of stupid and doesn't know that she actually has feelings for you" he hugs you and then lets go of you. You just stand there processing what just happened and then you laugh.

"Wow THE Fred Weasley being sentimental? Who are you and what have you done to him?" you joke and he hits your shoulder.

"I was trying to be nice to you but forget it. Have fun eating your food, hopefully you don't choke on it" he winks at you and then just walks away.

You roll your eyes and turn around towards the direction of the Great Hall. Since you were so close to going back to your dorm until Fred picked you up. Your stomach grumbled so you just go to the Great Hall even though you don't want to. Maybe Harry got sick and is in the Hospital Wing?

But no he didn't get sick like you hoped he did, instead he was cuddling up with Ginny at the table. You gagged in disgust but then stopped, he may be dating Ginny but he's still your friend. Even though you sometimes want to punch him in the face, he's still your friend. You calm yourself down and go sit with your friends at the Ravenclaw table.

"So how was everyone's Summer?" Tyler asked. You and Luna quickly looked st hm, sort of confused.

"You do realize that we came back from Summer like...a week ago?" Luna says as she drinks her milkshake that she made earlier.

"I know but we haven't really talked much and I don't like that. So how was everyone's Summer?" you roll your eyes at Tyler and laugh quietly.

"It was pretty fun. Stayed with my family half of the Summer and the other half I was with the Weasleys. What did you guys do?" you look at the both of them and Luna starts thinking.

"Me and my dad went to some muggle town. We stayed there for a while and I liked it, it was pretty quiet" Luna smiled and Tyler just rolls his eyes.

"So none of us had a cool Summer?! Ugh that's so unfair! I bet stupid Malfoy had a fun Summer and probably invited Pansy to stay with him" he whined like a baby as he crossed his arms and stared at Draco with an angry expression on his face.

"Tyler just ask Pansy out already! I'm pretty sure everyone already knows you fancy her" Luna spoke up and pushed him off the table.

"Alright geez no need to push me!" he clears his throat and looks at you guys one more time.

Suddenly he went from shy to extremely confident as he walked over to her. Maybe he was trying to look intimidating to Draco or something, he's pretty weird. You and Luna squeeze each other's hands as you watch Tyler sit down next to Pansy. You guys patiently wait hoping that he actually goes through with it and asks her out.

You watch as you see Pansy nod her head yes and hug him. You both hug each other tightly and just smile out of happiness for Tyler. He walks back over to you two and sits down next to you.

"So...what did she say?" you ask just in case if you misunderstood what happened.

Tyler looks at you and Luna, who are still holding each other's hands. He smiles widely and nods letting you know that you didn't misunderstand anything. You and Luna jump out of your seats to hug Tyler, about time he asked her out!

Breakfast ends so you grab Tyler's arm and take him to Transfiguration class. You notice that there's only two seats left, one next to Ginny and one next to Pansy. Without any hesitation Tyler basically runs to the seat next Pansy. So of course you're stuck with the person you have been avoiding, all thanks to Tyler.

You quietly sit down and you feel your forehead getting hot from anger. You grab your book and open it, quickly putting all of your attention on the book. The right side of your face get a little warm as you feel someone's eyes on you.

You don't need to look because you already know who it is, Ginny. McGonogall finally comes in so you close your book and pay attention. During the whole class Ginny would get a few quick glances at you hoping you wouldn't notice. But you noticed, you could feel every time she would look at you.

You were just hoping the class would end already because of how awkward you feel. But of course McGonogall just had to look at you and then at Ginny. Since she saw how you two were acting she assigned everyone to work with the person to your right, which it's Ginny. Why is everyone so against you today?

What McGonogall assigned was for everyone to look through some book. To find the spell that turns an object into another object. You and Ginny scoot closer together as you both try to find it. But you kept getting distracted by the fact that every time you went to flip a page Ginny would "accidentally" touch your hand.

You guys finally find the spell and Ginny raises her hand to let McGonogall know you found it. McGonogall congratulates the both of you and gives you both ten house points. You high five Ginny out of happiness but then you look away from her. You look at your watch to check the time, good only two more minutes until class ends.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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