𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕪

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Time skip: You're finally at the castle
When you guys enter the castle Penny showed you where the Great Hall is. Once you all walk in Penny waves goodbye as her and Amellia walk to the Hufflepuff table. Penny told you each of the house names before you guys arrived at Hogwarts. Tyler and Luna went to the Ravenclaw table while Allia went to Slytherin.

The headmaster introduced himself and said his name is Dumbledore. You were instructed to walk towards Dumbledore's direction. When you got closer Ginny grabbed your hand to reassure you and then left to the Gryffindor table.

You look around and your eyes land on another ginger. This time it was a boy and he was sitting with two other people along with Ginny. The girl is gorgeous and she has beautiful brown hair. While the other boy has black hair and glasses. You smiled at the red headed boy and he smiled back.

You felt really nervous for some reason but you didn't think much of it. You look up at the ceiling and see floating candles. You notice that the ceiling looks like the sky. It's full of stars and clouds covering the moon. You could only see the moon a little bit and it reminded you of Remus.

He would always leave the house during the full moon and you had to stay with Tonks. Tonks took great care of you but you really missed Remus every time he left. Your thoughts were interrupted by Ginny screaming.

"Good luck Y/n!" Ginny screamed

You wave at her and everyone else with her. The red headed boy waved back and then winked at you. You shyly waved at him and he gave you a sweet smile. Ginny rolled her eyes at him and then punched his shoulder. Ron rubs his shoulder to make it feel better and then starts talking to his friends.

You felt butterflies in your stomach as you think about that Ron boy winking at you. But you brushed it off and paid attention to Dumbledore.

"Welcome first years and new student. This is professor McGonagall, she will she will explain what you will do now" he points towards McGonagall as he sits down. You see she's holding a hat in one hand and a long paper in the other.

"When I call your name you will come up and sit on the stool to be sorted into your houses" she reads the paper and starts calling a few students up one by one. Some got sorted into Gryffindor and others in Slytherin.

You got scared every time McGonagall read a name. You felt as if she was going to call your name any minute. But every time she read a name it never was yours.

She calls out another student up. Her face became really red when she heard her name being called. She walked up to McGonagall looking really nervous. She sits down on the stool and McGonagall sets the hat on her head.

"Hmm...HUFFLEPUFF!" she jumps off the stool out of happiness. She goes and sits down with her friends at the Hufflepuff table.

"Y/n Black" you jump up when you heard your name being called out. You walk up to McGonagall and sit on the stool. She places the hat on your head and the hate screams out.

"RAVENCLAW!" you get up and run towards Luna who's next to Tyler.

"Hi guys!" you say while having a big smile on your face. Luna hugs you tightly and let's you to sit down next to her.

"This is Cho Chang, Cho this is Y/n. We met them on the train they're really nice" she puts a piece of hair behind your ear and smiles at you.

"Nice to meet you Y/n. If anyone ever tries to mess with you aka Draco Malfoy let us know and we'll deal with him" she says in a confident tone.

"I'll make sure I do that" the food suddenly appears in front of everyone and you all start eating.

"Since we just arrived today we'll go to our classes tomorrow. Do you know who you have first?" Tyler asks. You grab your schedule out and read who it is.

"It says I have Defense Against the Dark Arts with some professor Umbridge. Do you guys know who that is?" you raise an eyebrow and look at Tyler for an explanation.

"No before you came we had professor Lupin. I guess that's just our new professor then" he shrugged his shoulders. I look over at the teacher's table and I see Dumbledore getting ready to make a speech.

He explained to everyone how Remus left and how devastating it was. But told you all to not worry because we have a new professor. Then someone who was wearing a lot of pink interrupted him. Her voice was pretty annoying so you didn't pay attention to what she said.

The rest of the day was just you hanging out with Cho, Luna, and Tyler. You guys are hanging out at the Entrance Courtyard sitting close to the tree. Luna is talking about the Forbidden Forest and all the creatures in it. You paid attention to every detail she gave to you about the forest.

Someone tapped your shoulder so you turn around to see who it is.

"Umm...hi! I'm Ron Weasley. What's your name?" his face was as red as his hair. Ginny was next to him and she playfully pushed him because of how dumb he looks. You smile when you see how flustered Ron is while trying to talk to you.

"I'm Y/n. Do you two want to stay with us?" they both nod and sit down. You end up sitting in between both of them. You feel butterflies in your stomach as Ron sits close to you. You both awkwardly smile at each other and then listen to Luna.

I love you Ginny Weasley... (Ginny Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now