Narancia's diary, day 3+1

380 13 23

Dear diary,
I have a new friend!
His name si Giorno Giovanna and he sits next to me in geography class. He doesn't seem mean like the others so it's actually really nice to have someone that doesn't insult me all the time!
When Giorno is with me, I feel like people don't even bully me anymore. Or at least they won't do anything to me directly. I think they still talk rrash about me but it doesn't matter. It's not like I have a reputation ir something.

It's really late now. The weather is very windy and I think it might start to rain. I like rain though. I get often sick when the weather's rainy, so I stay home and play CraftMine.

That game is sick! Abbacchio bought it for me on Christmas day. I was really happy to have a present! I'm still not a pro gamer but I have lots of fun playing, even I always play alone...

I wonder, does Giorno have CraftMine? I'll send him a text right now but it's 3am so I won't be surprised if he's not awake.

...What am I even doing up this late?
Oh, right.
I thought of fugo for literally four hours straight.
Not like I'm straight lmao-
...What if I write my thoughts about Fugo here?
I can write in my diary and think of Fugo so it's definitely a win win situation for me.

Alright then. Wahhh I'm starting to stutter-
Ok, I guess I'll just write my thoughts on Fugo...
He's pretty.
He's definitely very pretty.
His hair has a nice color... it's similar to Giorno's but it's certainly not the same. Uhhh, Fugo's hair is something like sand yellow while Giorno has pretty bright blonde hair.

Today, well, uhm, yesterday, when Fugo came over to tutor me it was really really fun.
It was boring actually.
But it was also fun.
Doest that... does that even make sense???
It was boring because I couldn't play CraftMine and I had to do maths but it was fun because... because Fugo was with me...
Everything is fun if he's around.
He makes me happy.
But I have to either hide or get rid of these feelings or he might find out and I defined don't want that.

But... it's just the truth.
Fugo's really pretty and he's also funny. When he's around, even Maths can become fun. Maths!
This already would give it away.
If he found this diary... I'd probably die.
Yeah, doesn't sound bad.
Him finding the diary... is scarier than death to me.

Did I ever write this much in the diary?
I feel like it's my first time writing so much.

Let me check the time... Oh, look at that.
I've been writing for twenty minutes.
Well, it's not like I'm sleepy. I'm just gonna write more.

Today I met Trish's friend... what was her name?? Yaoi? Yayoi? Yuji?? Whatever I just remember it started with and Y so that's what I'm going to call her. She doesn't seem bad. Bad she definitely doesn't seem nice either.

...Hold up I think Abbacchio is coming- I'll just weiye tomorriw--- I HACE TO BE FADT BYR

•Author's note•
I had fun writing this lmao-- I just pretended to be Narancia (ofc as he is in this AU lol-) and I just wrote everything that came to my mind.
I was absent for a long time wasn't I?
Today I was reading the chapter you probably read before this and the author's note at the end said:

"Tomorrow is my birthday :3
I'm so happy I can finally open my presents"

or something like that-
But the thing is: my birthday was in December-
Oh also it's Valentines day lol I might write a special-

Who are you spending your Valentines with?
It's 2D men for me 🙄🖐

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