Day 5

412 13 19

•Author's note•
Help I started south park my best friend is concerned for my innocence but 😫🖐 also i think it's thursday in the story but I can't remember so uh whatever
that guy up here is venti from genshin impact i am just hoping i get him yuh so enjoy

Narancia woke up and got ready. He couldn't wait to leave the house. Not like he wanted to go to school, but he didn't want to stay with his family either.

I'm not even early today. And... probably if I don't hurry up I'll be late. Which class do I have this morning...? Oh, right. I think I have English class. I'm pretty average with English so it should be fine.

Narancia thought as he started walking to school.

I wonder when I'll see Giorno again... I hope it's today. He's basically my only friend and I've known him for only a day. Is it even safe to call him a friend? I feel like he isn't like the others in my classes but if he was a fake friend, which I hope he won't be, it wouldn't be the frist time.
I am used to betrayal. But it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. If you trust someone and then they stab you in the back it still hurts, no matter how many times you went through it.
I am not someone who trusts people easily but...Giorno is different. I feel like he understand me...for some reason.
But... does he? Does he understand me at all? Well, we don't ecen know eachother a lot but I hope we're somewhat similar. It wouldn't be bad to have someone who understands me... even just a little.

In that moment, Fugo's image flashed through Narancia's mind.

Fugo. He...I feel like we're very different. For some reason I think of him as the classic popoular and cool kid, the one that all the girls love, the one that has a perfect life and family... but I might be wrong. Maybe I think of him that way just because I want to. If that's the case, then I should probably think of him differently. Yes, yes. That's certainly it.

Narancia put an and to his though as he walked into his classroom.
The lesson was pretty boring, it didn't have anything special at all. Well, there was something nice though: Narancia's teacher. He was a really nice and strong man who was called Joseph Joestar. He was also very liked by the girls in Narancia's class.

"Kyaaa!~~~ Did you see Sir. Joseph's new clothes??? He's SO. FREAKING. HOT."

"I KNOW RIGHT??? That tie really suits
him!~~ And his shoes are beautiful too!!!"

The girls sitting in front of Narancia were never quiet.
And about them...they... were evil to Narancia but in a different way: they acted nice to him but as soon as the bullies came they ignored him. They pretented he wasn't here. But when the bullies weren't around, they were nice. Narancia thought that their actions didn't make sense, but he decided not to interfere.

The day kept going on until school was over. When Narancia went outside the school, he almost fainted: Fugo was here, waiting for him.

What is he doing here?! I wasn't preoared for this... if my classmates start thinking I am into guys... that would be terrible. They already bully me enough.

-What's up Narancia? Abbacchio told me to come pick you up since you're coming overt to my house today.- he smiled, -We'll have a great study session! You're staying at mine for the night, too. I think it's because your sister bought some friends home for a sleepover.
Do you have to get some stuff at home? Abbacchio said you have an hour to get everything you need.-

I...I'm staying over at Fugo's house...!? And... And not only I'm going there, I'm also going to sleep under the same roof as him...!? Omg, I have to hold the gay panic, hun. Fugo is one of the only happinesses I have in my life. I better be happy.Wahhh, still am I ready to go over? I'm not so sure...

Love you - FugonaraWhere stories live. Discover now