Narancia's diary, day 1

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I am Narancia Ghirga, the protagonist of this story. But before I start telling you about mysel... how are you, dear diary?
Right. I get it. Anyway, since I just started telling you about myself I'll tell you about my... situation.
I live with my father, Leone Abbacchio, and my sister, Trish Una. Of course me and Trish were adopted... we got adopted by my mother, Bruno Bucciarati. But we never see him because him and father had a divorce. I used to have other siblings but I don't even remember what they were like. It's been around 10 years since I last saw them.

Now then, let me describe my father. He was like a hero to me. But since he and Bruno broke up, he's always drinking alcohol or he goes to trips and comes back after weeks, sometimes months.'s not like I hate him, I'm just... disappointed. I expected more from him. Sometimes, when he's sober, he gives me and Trish presents. But the thing is... she usually recives stuff like money because he says that she is the type to hang out with friends more than I am and I... well, I recive school supplies.
Don't get me wrong, i surely need those things but... sometimes imI wish I could also have friends to hang out with.

Now then onto my sister.
She's apparently the prettiest girl in the school and I'm the weird kid so she doesn't really talk to me at school but I'm not mad at her. If I were her... I probably wouldn't talk to myself either. Anyway, she's really popular, she has lots of friends and she even went to an amusement park last sunday. She has a new boyfriend basically every month and she always tells me how much she hates her exes. I don't mind listening to her tough. It's not like I have something better to do.

I should talk about my situation at school, too.
I get bullied a lot. I think it's for two main reasons: 1. I am the weird kid so everybody thinks I am weird or even disgusting. 2. I suck at math. My father said he assumed a tutor who's around my age and he's coming over tomorrow, even if it's saturday.

I honestly don't mind being bullied at all. I like my band aids so it's fine.

I really hope nobody will ever read this diary.
I must hide it.
I am going to put it in my manga shelf. I'll just act like it's a manga, yea.

Well diary... that's it for today.
I don't really know what to tell you so... I'm just going to study. I really would like to drop all the acting and tell everyone how sad I'm feeling. Well, I have to get over it and hide it.

Bye bye, diary.

Hey yall, your favourite softie is back! Ok so I'm going to explain some stuff about the story so please read.
This story will have two types of chapters: the ones where it's just what Narancia writes in his diary (like this one) and the ones where a narrator talks about what happens to him.
I'll really try to make this story longer than the other one but no promises!
Anyway, sorry if this chapter was kinda short but I didn't know what else to write...

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Well, have a nice day!

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