Day 2

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Narancia woke up as the alarm went off.
He sat on his bed, still sleepy.

"Today's the day I'm going to meet my tutor... I hope they're not mean."

He thought to himself, then he got ready in the bathroom and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning dad. Where's Trish?" he asked, sitting down at the sining table.

"I see you woke up, Narancia. Trish is still sleeping. Don't go wake her up, she can rest today." Abbacchio said putting a plate of strawberries and a glass of orange juice in front of his son.

"Thanks!" obviously he was starting to fake his emotions. He had to pretend, that's what he thought. "So, um... What time will the tutor come?"

"He should arrive at 9."

"But... now it's 8.50... And did you say he?"

"Yes, he's a male. You'll meet him soon anyway."

When Narancia was done with his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring.

Oh, that's probably him... If I have be honest, I'm pretty nervous... Well, on the bright side, I might be able to make a friend!

Narancia thought to himself, while he was heading to the door and meet his tutor.
When he opened the door he saw him. He had blonde hair and... well you all readers know what Fugo looks like.

He seems really cool. I hope he doesn't bully me... or stuff. Not that I would blame him.

"Ah, good morning. I suppose you are Ghirga Narancia."
Narancia nod his head.
"Nice to meet you. I am your tutor, my name's Fugo Pannacotta but you can call me Fugo."

"Nice to meet you... You can call me Narancia." he smiled. But only for a couple seconds. At least it was a genuine one.

"So Narancia... I heard you're bad at maths." he smirked, "Don't worry, later or sooner you'll get better with my help."

Narancia turned the other way.
"Um... we can go to my room if you wanna."

"Sure thing, lead the way."

And so they started walking towards Narancia's room.

Phew... Why did I even blush? I don't even know him. Whatever.

So they arrived in Narancia's room and Fugo sat on the bed while Narancia grabbed his books, the other boy staring at him.

"Hey, Narancia... Maybe we can just chat today? If you like the idea, of course."

Narancia turned around to face Fugo.

"Fine by me"

He patted a spot on the bed next to him, smiling.

"You can sit here"

Narancia stared at the other boy for a while.

He really is kinda cute... Oh well, I know how to hide my feelings.
And... it's not like I like him. I'm not being a tsundere bitch just... we only met today.


"Ah, yes?"

"Let's talk for a while?"

"Hm okay..."

"So what's your favourite subject? Since I'm your tutor I think this is a great question" he giggled, then turned to Narancia.

"Oh um... I pretty much think it is history."

"That's cool! I'm not so good at history though, hahaha"

"Oh well... you'll get better?"

"If you say so!"

Narancia and Fugo spent the next couple of hours talking. And, when it was time for Fugo to leave, they exchanged phone numbers. They were satisfied of that chat, it was so simple and pure and Narancia felt like he didn't have to act when he was with Fugo. Maybe they were friends in a past life.

• Author zone •
Aaaaaaaand it's finally done! Sorry uf I made you wait, I just was really really busy with school starting and stuff. I'm also buying too many mangas-
Well, I don't know how much you'll have to wait for the next chapter but I'll try to post as soon as possible.

If you feel sad, remember your life matters, you matter and everything will get better eventually. If you ever feel like you want to commit suicide, please reach out to someone it can be a family member, a friend or someone who can help you get mentally stable. Remember that someone in this world loves you and you'd really hurt them if you commited. If you want to talk to me just tell me, I'll do my best to make you feel loved. I know how it is like to be at the bottom of the bottom but there's always light shining above, remember! I was really depressed and I wanted to die but I always thought about how some people would miss me if I died... and now I'm here! Even if I only have 26 followers, I want you to know that each one of you is really special to me and you make me feel really happy.
I love you all.

Love you - FugonaraWhere stories live. Discover now