Day 3

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Narancia woke up in his room but as he looked out of the window, the sun wasn't there yet. Then he looked at his phone to check te time. It said "02:46" so it was pretty early. The boy yawned and then decided to get ready even if it was still night.

School is really boring and since Abbacchio doesn't let me go thre when I'm sick, I better try catching a cold or something.

So Narancia left the house.
He was wearing his new hat, a black swater, blue jeans, his orange shoes and a blue waistband.
When be went outside, he was also carrying a shoulder bag with his school books, so he wouldn't have to go back home when it was time to.
He kept walking around until he decided to sit on a bench in the city park.
He went in the zone of the park he liked the most: the labyrinth.
He went in here tons of times but he thought everytime was like the first.
In the middle of the labyrinth he found a giant pound, and then some benches.
As he sat on one and then decided to check the time.

Hmm, I've been walking around for a while... my legs are even starting to hurt...

So he grabbed his phone and checked the time.

Oh well, I understand why my legs hurt... I basically got outside when it was 3AM and now it's 5AM... This also means people might start being around... this is really unlucky, I hate being with people...

Narancia kept thinking about his life until a voice called him.

"Narancia? What are you doing here? Isn't it kinda early?"

Narancia put his thoughts aside as he saw who was calling him.

"Fugo...? Wha-- I could ask you the same question..."

He looked at the shorter boy for a while, then he sat next to him. They both stared into each other's eyes, then Narancia turned his head away.

I think I should avoid Fugo or I might just fall for him... well at least I know. But what if he realizes I like him? Will he hate me? I'm used to that anyway... I was hurt lots of time in my life so I'm used to that...

"So, what are you doing here? You seem really tired. Are you okay...?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't want to stay home."

"Hm... but still, isn't it too early? You could leave at 7PM since school should start at 8PM."

"Whatever... why are you even asking me? You're also out here and it's early, as you said."

"I always take walks early in the morning. I never came here though."

"I see... but you also could've left home around 7PM."

"Actually, I also go to the bakery ang have breakfast there... did you already eat?"

"...No. I don't even feel hungry at all-"

"Well then! If you didn't eat let's go grab a bite together later!"

"Whatever, it's fine by me."

Fugo smiled and the other boy rolled his eyes.

I just hope nobody's at that bakery or whatever place where Fugo wants to bring me. It'd be pretty annoying. I hate people, or at least...

The dark haired boy looked at the other boy for a while, then he turned away and kept thinking to himself.

...well, let's say I hate most of the people. I don't really hate Fugo at all.

Love you - FugonaraWhere stories live. Discover now