Chapter 6

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Courtney's pov: 

....I just kissed shayne frickin topp. Wow. "I-I-That was-" "amazing" shayne replied finishing my sentance. We stood there holding hands my head on his shoulder just watching the sunrise. 

"y'know how you said you loved me? I said. He turned towards me "y-yeah?" "Well... I love you too." He smiled and kissed me. "Hey  court?" "Yeah?" "Can we not tell anyone about.. whatever we are yet? I kinda just want it to be you and me for awhile without everyone hounding us about our relationship" "our relationship?" " well y-yeah?" "Shayne Topp are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" "M-maybe" he replied blushing.

"Well I'm very happy then." I kept going "and yeah I agree I don't  think we should tell anyone yet either.  So when we get back maybe try not swooning over me?" I say with a small laugh "oh how hard that will be" he responded "I'm serious shayne they know us they're gonna suspect something is going on" "ik ik I'll  be careful. Same goes for you to y'know" "yeah I got it" We just sat there for awhile it was amazing.

"Hey we've been out here for awhile people are showing up maybe we should head back" I said and he nodded his head. We walked home holding hands, man I couldn't be happier. 

Shaynes pov:

Man I can't believe any of this has happened. My best friend is my girlfriend i love her so much. We made it back to the hotel and everyone has been asking where we've  been since its almost lunch and we told them we'd be back in the morning. "Well i mean we came back and everyone was asleep then I remembered we left the car at the beach so we walked down and hung out for awhile since there was nothing really to do that early in the morning.  Guess time got away from us" I responded. Courtney nodded in agreement "mmhmm" trying her best not to get all excited about what just happened not even a half an hour ago. Which was hard for me too. 

"Well have you guys eaten lunch yet?" Ian asked. "Nope" we responded "well how bout we go out. With everything that happened last night with courtbourt in the hospital we should go out" alright just let me shower and change first" I said heading to my room "I'll come with you " Damien added.

"Dude, shayne what happened while you were gone? You both were acting strange down there" "what are you talking about, nothing happened" "really nothing happened?" "Yes nothing happened lay off dude" "okay okay I'll lay off but answer me this" "okay?" "Do you love her? I mean i know you like her but something is different with you " "what would you say if I told you I did?" "I tell you to go tell her man, I know she loves you too" 

Damiens pov (surprise) ( D = Damien O = Olivia N=Noah K = Keith J= Jackie KI= Kimmy)

After the chat with Shayne I decided to make a group chat with the group excluding shourtney 

*Damien made a group chat*

*Damien added Olivia*

*Damien added Noah*

*Damien added Keith*

*Damien added Jackie*

*Damien Added Kimmy*

O: whats with the group

N: what happening? Where's shayne and Courtney?

D: I have brought you all here because we need to get shourtney together. That's why I made this group. Shayne told me he loves Courtney and I think he should tell her but he doesn't seem to think she loves him back. Now idk but liv she tells you everything every thing you know anything?

KI: aw thats adorable. Good for shayne.

O: wait really?? O my God dames she totally loves him. I mean she hasn't really told me she loves him, only like but I see it. Its there. 

J: wait okay so both of them like eachother but they ont know that?

D: persicely 

K: thats amazing

N: wow

D: yeah, so what are we gonna do? I mean they belong together.

N yeah they do

O:what if we play another game of T or D? Ask of of them if they like someone?

K: thats not a bad idea but would they fall for that again i mean you already told them to go on a date last time.

KI: wait they went on their date.. did they tell anyone how it went pre hospital?? or maybe post hospital?? We all know he stayed with her after we left. 

N: yeah thats right maybe they did confess and is hiding it? 

D: guys if thats so I mean shouldn't we respect their decision to keep it private for awhile?

N: Damien have you met us? Their our best friends we are always confronting them.

J: guys maybe dames is right shouldn't we respect that?

KI: Yeah we should but what if they're not. I mean we may have to atleast try, right?

D: if you want i mean kim kim might be right but if they're upset at us its not my fault.

O:okay tonight after dinner I'll ask to play truth or dare but I can't ask them right away or it will be obvious so let's just play normally for awhile then anyone can ask one of the two. 

N: sounds like a plan

K: i think Ian wants to start getting ready for lunch guys

D: alright see ya down there

*back to reality * shaynes pov

"Damien what is going on you've been staring at your phone the past ten minutes I need your help with court I don't know what to do here" I say pretending that I did not just tell her everything. 

"Sorry shayne just tell her already" "idk if I can she doesn't like me back dames" "she does shayne, she does trust  me. And trust your gut. Everything will turn out good" "yeah thanks, we should get down there i think Ian wants to leave" "yeah okay"

We ate at a nice restaurant here and honestly I was trying so hard to not hold courtneys hand under the table im pretty sure I made it more obvious we are together. Not to mention us sitting next to each other. 

After lunch we had another day at the beach but at this point I wasn't complaining. All the girls were laying on the beach tanning and talking while the boys and I were playing like 5 year olds going down the waterside over and over again. I was happy, this has been an amazing trip.. hospital aside.

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