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"SMOSH SUMMER GAMES" We all yelled into the camera. 

"Welcome everyone to SSG! We have a very important guest with us today but before we reveal who it is,  we are going to pick teams! I said to the Camera "To decide who is on which team I am going to draw names out of this bowl switching the team each time so its an even amount."

Team Red -  Shayne, Jackie, Noah, Courtney, Ian.

Team Blue- Damien, Keith, Kimmy, Olivia, ??

"Now that we have our teams you may be wondering why there is one missing from team blue" I said to the  Camera "Thats because  where our special guest is going! Drum roll every one!" Everyone started to drum on their legs.

"You know him as one of the founders of Smosh many many.. many years ago and my best friend, our very own Anthony Padilla!!!!" I said as everyone cheered!

"Hey Guys!! I've missed you all! He said into the camera

"Now you may be wondering.. 'Ian you're a terrible secret keeper how did we not find out.' That because.. guys I didn't  know either!" I said  

"Yeah the crew and I, specifically Sarah, having been working on this for awhile" he went on "This was probably the most perfect timing we could have done"

"Any time for me would be the best im never doing anything" I commented

"Ian i do more work than you, and you're  the boss!" Sarah said from behind the camera as everyone burst out laughing

"Anyways" Anthony started "it has been decided that Ian and I are gonna be team captains like in the past. I'm Team Blue. Captain"

"And I'm team reds Captain. " I said finishing. 

Damien pov:

We finished the video and I'd say it went pretty well, the fans are gonna freak when they see Anthony.

Today isn't only a big day because our smosh surprise but its also a big day because Kimmy and I are gonna announce our relationship. Its been like 7 months. We are planning on doing tonight, so we have a bit of time and I gotta say I'm ki d of nervous about it.

I know they ship us and all but you get those few people who absolutely don't at all and hate on ships saying they should be with other people. And I am nervous of how kim kim is gonna react because I'm used to it, but her.. not so much.

"Hey Damien!" Anthonysaid walking into the room as I was laying on the bed.

"Whats up Anthony. God we missed you dude"

"Yeah I have missed you all too.  How's life? Girlfriend huh?"

"Y-yeah." I said blushing 

"How's that going.. with Kimmy?"

"It's  actually been going amazing. We are going public tonight with with the fans"

"Aw awesome, congratulations!"

"Thank you!" I said as Kimmy walked in "hey princess we were just talking about you!" I said as she sat next to me.

"Aw I hope its good things" she spoke as she kissed my cheek

Anthony POV:

"Aw... gross.. no I'm kidding you guys are cute. I actually have something g to tell you guys. Something I haven't told Ian at all.. yet"

"Everything okay Anthony?" Kimmy asked.

"Yeah its actually great news..actually two pieces  of good news. I'm only telling you now because I'm gonna tell everyone soon anyway and wanna see how it goes here first before I tell everyone"

"Anthony dude.. what is it" Damien pushed

"Well number one.. I'm  actually in a relationship... that I literally haven't told anyone about besides her and mine parents. Not even Ian knows yet"

"DUDE. Thats awesome congratulations!!" They said excitedly "are you guys gonna announce it soon?" Kimmy asked 

"I wanna tell everyone first before the fans know but hopefully  soon"

"Aww. Whats the other news?"

"Well.. you know how I've been gone for awhile now.. coupe years.."

"Yes?" Questioned Damien"

"Well... drum roll please... IM COMING BACK TO SMOSH!!!"

"WHAT no way!!!! Dude thats amazing!! Damien cheered

"Anthony that is so exciting, we can't wait!" Kimmy said a little more calm than Damien but just as excited

"I plan on telling everyone tonight so don't say anything yet" I told them.

"We won't " they both said agreeing.

*a couple hours later* Ian's  pov:

"Anthony would you just tell us why you dragged us all here for?" I asked

"Ian, we were all already together" I responded

"Sorry its just my automatic response when someone says they have  a big announcement"

"Two actually "

"Well get to it" exclaimed Shayne

"Number one is i have a girlfriend.. no questions til later because I wanna get to this last one. I am...."


Guys... I don't have the words to say why this is so late I am so extremely sorry but here it is.

I have just been in a kind of slump lately when it has come to writing and even though I've been wanting to keep doing it I just couldn't.  

I'm obviously gonna do more chapters i just don't have a schedule but, and I know I've said this in the past, im gonna try to update more often or the best I can to my abilities.

Love you guys! XOXO ~ Faith 🥰

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